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    Practice – (Chapter: Decisions)




    When I finally lose what little interest I had in the woman my head turns to the man next to me. His genuinely nice personality brings my mind back to my father, before things changed, before he changed.




    "Get out."



    Her words send me into shock. Had it finally come down to this?




    "Get out."




    Glen moves forward wrapping an arm around me.



    "Mom, you can’t be serious."




    Her eyes snap to Glen, she nods.




    "Stay out of this; this is between Spencer and I."




    Glen shakes his head, refusing to let go so easily.




    "Where is she supposed to go?”



    A simple shrug of her shoulders is her response.




    "If she wants to make adult decisions she can do it elsewhere."




    I stare into cold blue eyes as she continues to speak.



    "You are not welcome in this house anymore."




    A sharp laugh leaves my throat as I remove myself from Glen’s touch.




    "No wonder Dad cheated on you, who’d want to be with a miserable bitch like you?"




    I grab at my belt buckle, latching it on. I reach out and grab my jacket from the coffee table. Without sparing another glance to my mother I make my way to the front door, brushing past Glen and Clay.




    My hand reaches the door knob; my brothers mutually call out to me. I look back at them with a sad expression, before throwing the door open and stepping out into the cool LA air.



    My tired feet had dragged me to my father’s house that night, the only place I ever let my rebel exterior fade.



    He had done the fatherly thing, held me as tears escaped me. Promised me things would be okay. My father had always been a kind, loving man. Always putting everyone around him before himself.




    It still amazes me how two years can change everything. How my relationship between my mother and father became something I never thought possible.




    Decisions he made caused the love I once had for him to turn into hate. In turn the hate I had grown for him forced me to finally understand why my mother had said and done the things she had.




    A warm hand on my thigh pulls me back to present time. Warm breath hits my cheek.




    "You okay?"




    I nod at Ashley’s words. She looks at me curiously, I smile. She turns her attention back to the woman on the stage, keeping her hand glued to its position on my thigh.




    Things fell apart so abruptly back then, if I gave into my wants would I be doomed to repeat the past?

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    1. That’s like giving a starving cat i bit of steak and then eating the rest in front of it! Just plain wrong and mean! LoL…sorry i got emotional. Thanks for the sliver of Spencer’s past…i just want more! PMS!

    2. That’s like giving a starving cat i bit of steak and then eating the rest in front of it! Just plain wrong and mean! LoL…sorry i got emotional. Thanks for the sliver of Spencer’s past…i just want more! PMS!

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