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    Practice – (Chapter: I’ll Outsmart You Every Time)



    He shakes his head at my words. "Regardless of what she did that still doesn’t change the state law, you’d know that if you’d open a law book every now and then."



    I smirk at his comment and smile at his bitterness.



    "Trust me, I know the law very well, and if your client decides to take this to court then we’ll have no other choice but to take the custody battle to family court."



    His voice grows cockier. "Biological mothers rarely lose."



    I grab my black suit case off of the table and let it hang by my side. "No, but they do when they have a history of violence and extreme drug use, and I’m guessing that her two DUI’s aren’t going to help her win over the judge either."



    The cockiness finally leaves his features as his client leans toward him, a panicked look covering her face.



    I make my way around the table my current client following close behind. As I reach the door Mr. Cocky speaks.



    "We’ll take that deal."



    I smile knowingly, as I pull the door open.



    "We’ll get the five million to you by Monday."



    He stands as my client lets out a chuckle and steps just outside of the door.



    "You said eight and a half."



    MY head shakes in a positive motion.



    "That was before I had to waste convincing you to take the offer."



    An angered look crosses his face and I can tell he’s trying his best to bite his tongue.



    "My people will be in touch."



    I follow my client out of the room closing the door on the way. When we exit the building my client lets out a thrilled yell.



    "Fuck yes Spence!"



    I laugh. "I told you I’d pull through for you. Although if you just would have taken my advice back in high school you wouldn’t be losing five million dollars."



    He rolls his eyes and runs his hand through his hair.



    "Hey, I recall you saying ‘I’m happy for you, you deserve happiness, and if she’s it then go for it." I roll my eyes at the sound of him mocking my voice.



    "That was a week after the two of you had already tied the knot, plus I was drunk. Although I do recall telling you to ‘stay the fuck away from the gold digging whore’ when you told me you got engaged to her."



    He shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, but it was still worth it. Without her I wouldn’t have had the twins."



    I nod and smile at these words.



    "You’re a good father Aiden."



    He smiles and stops when we reach my car.



    "Thanks for this Spence. We’ve definitely gotta go out and celebrate sometime soon."



    He lands a playful punch on my shoulder. I chuckle while flipping my hair over my shoulder.



    "You know, we’ll go out have some drinks, pick up some girls." He and I share a laugh.



    "What, are you in a rush to pick up another gold digger?"



    He takes a step back a mocks a hurt expression before turning to his car he shouts over his shoulder. "Call me sometime this week."



    I say nothing as I watch his appearance fade in the distance. I enter my Mercedes just in time to hear my phone ring.






    "Hey Spencer, are you on your way?"



    "Yeah, I just finished the meeting. I should be there in twenty."



    "Good, good."



    "What exactly do I have to do?"



    "Oh, nothing too hard. Just the usual paperwork for new employee’s."



    "Ah, I forgot you convinced that doctor to come out."



    She chuckles happily. "Well you know I can be very convincing. She should be here any minute so you’ll finally get to meet the person I’ve been bragging about."



    We share a few more words before hanging up.



    This should be easy.

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    1. I love how Ashley has a great job, usally in fics she’s either a spoiled brat living off her trust fund or a singer, so this is really refreshing…pms please :):):)

    2. I can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley to meet for the first time. Will there be an instant attraction? Or maybe they’ll hate each other? Oh, the possibilities.

    3. god ashley working in the medical field??? god i never thought i would read a fanfic with her like that, but this one is definently amazing. i cant wait untill they meet. im sure it will be love at first sight but i could be wrong. lol anyway PMS!!

    4. I love how Ashley has a great job, usally in fics she’s either a spoiled brat living off her trust fund or a singer, so this is really refreshing…pms please :):):)

    5. I can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley to meet for the first time. Will there be an instant attraction? Or maybe they’ll hate each other? Oh, the possibilities.

    6. god ashley working in the medical field??? god i never thought i would read a fanfic with her like that, but this one is definently amazing. i cant wait untill they meet. im sure it will be love at first sight but i could be wrong. lol anyway PMS!!

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