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    Practice – (Chapter: Lift Me Up)



    I thank him, as he pushes the door open and exits. I attempt to shake off the unsettling feeling of guilt residing in my head and my heart.



    I had always loved the prospect of helping people; even at a young age I knew that I wanted to be that picture perfect doctor. Who saved everyone, and never gave up.



    It wasn’t until my first day in the ER that I realized that no doctor could ever live up to that image.



    There’s nothing more we can do here.



    My head snaps to the side as I let out a scoff.



    "Nothing more we can do? We can give him the surgery and save his fucking life."



    The tall white man turns to me, eyes burning holes into my own.



    "That’s not how it works here. He doesn’t have the coverage, and we don’t have the funding to perform free surgery on every patient that rolls through here."



    I take a step back, trying to force down my anger.



    "The man has a fucking family. A wife and four fucking kids and you’re just going to let him die?"



    His eyes flash over with anger, voice still hushed.



    "You think I enjoy telling people that there spouse, relative, or friend isn’t going to make it?"



    I stay silent, slightly taken aback at the venom in his voice.



    "Well guess what; I don’t, but that’s how things work. They bring ‘em in we stabilize ‘em and unless they have the means to pay for what they need, it’s out of our hands."




    That day it became apparent that being a doctor isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. How had I not realized that before? I have no fucking clue. How could I have I been naive enough to believe that I could save everyone?



    Maybe it’s just in the Davies blood, or maybe its human nature. There’s a saying isn’t there? Several saying actually.



    You can do anything you set your mind to. Nothing is impossible.

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    1. Yes, Ashley and Spencer have lots to discuss. One thing being, what are Spencer’s issues exactly? I think maybe Spencer should make an exception to her no dating doctors rule. Great update!

    2. nice chapter XD. I’m still not used to the fact that Paula is being all nice and everything…not that I’m complaining ! lol ! can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley’s alone time together. PMS =)

    3. Yes, Ashley and Spencer have lots to discuss. One thing being, what are Spencer’s issues exactly? I think maybe Spencer should make an exception to her no dating doctors rule. Great update!

    4. nice chapter XD. I’m still not used to the fact that Paula is being all nice and everything…not that I’m complaining ! lol ! can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley’s alone time together. PMS =)

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