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    Practice – (Chapter: Lift Me Up)



    Isn’t that what they teach us during adolescence? Is it possible that, that’s where these so called mid-life crises originate from? When we as humans finally realize that impossible is everything, is that our breaking point?



    Try, try, and try again. Eventually you will succeed.



    But today, like many days in the medical field I along with thousands of doctors across the globe had disproved that theory.



    Feeling deep today Davies?



    I roll my eyes at the twisted voice that always seems to appear. Not a single serious thought can pass through my mind without that voice lurking around, waiting for the moment to make a joke out of my most serious thoughts.



    Once again the door creaks and my attention is turned to the intruder.



    "Ashley! What happened?"



    Paula Carlin steps forward, worry filling her voice.



    "Nothing serious, just a bit of coffee on my shirt."



    She grabs my shoulders and proceeds to inspect my neck. I stand completely still letting her inspect me, inwardly my mind is shouting for me to push her away and to tell her to leave me the fuck alone. As you can tell irritation has consumed me.



    When she is finally satisfied she steps back.



    "We’ve really got to do something about this. Things like this occur way too often around here."



    I open my mouth to voice my opinion but I am cut off.



    "Spencer! Come in here."



    At the sound of her name, my heart flutters and my once shitty mood begins to brighten. A moment passes before she steps inside.



    My irritation and guilt subside as I take in the sight of her.



    Paula turns to face her daughter, I take that as my cue to smile and wiggle my eyebrows. She laughs; a red tint works its way up her face. They speak; I lose my concentration and focus on her face.



    A few seconds pass, mother and daughter are still speaking. She knows I’m staring, she’s enjoying this moment just as much as I am. Another few seconds pass she glances at me as she speaks; the red tint becomes darker as she confirms her suspicions of me staring.



    The conversation between them comes to a halt. Paula turns to me and smiles her trademark mischievous smile.



    I guess it’s settled then; you and Spencer will stay late tonight to discuss ways to make this kind of thing occur less often.



    She beams at me, seemingly happy that Spencer and I will be spending time alone. I look at her confused, half ready to protest. My eyes dart to Spencer and my mouth shuts tightly a bright smile covering my features.



    "Yeah, I think I’m up for that."

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    1. Yes, Ashley and Spencer have lots to discuss. One thing being, what are Spencer’s issues exactly? I think maybe Spencer should make an exception to her no dating doctors rule. Great update!

    2. nice chapter XD. I’m still not used to the fact that Paula is being all nice and everything…not that I’m complaining ! lol ! can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley’s alone time together. PMS =)

    3. Yes, Ashley and Spencer have lots to discuss. One thing being, what are Spencer’s issues exactly? I think maybe Spencer should make an exception to her no dating doctors rule. Great update!

    4. nice chapter XD. I’m still not used to the fact that Paula is being all nice and everything…not that I’m complaining ! lol ! can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley’s alone time together. PMS =)

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