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    Practice – (Chapter: Marissa)


    I spin around, so I’m facing Aiden.




    "Thanks." I say, grabbing my drink and taking a mouthful.




    He pulls out the chair next to me, after a few awkward moments he sits. We remain silent for a few seconds, observing the people around us, while slowly consuming our drinks.




    "So you and Ashley disappeared last night…." He trails off giving me his trademark ‘I know you hit that, now spill’ looks.




    "What’re you talking about?" I ask him trying to sound as casual as possible.




    He begins to speak in a very serious tone.




    "Look Spence, we’ve been best friends since forever and if its one thing I know its- BROWNIES!" He squeals… yes, he squeals like the girl he is.




    Before I’m able to register what’s going on, he’s out of his seat and halfway across the yard, standing in front of a large food filled table.




    What the hell is wrong with him?




    I watch him with amusement as he pushes past several people, eventually fading into the crowd.





    Why do you hang out with him Spencer?




    I turn back in my seat, focusing on the drink in my hand. I’ve nearly drained the entire glass before someone acknowledges me.








    I turn, immediately recognizing the voice.




    "Clay!" I say jumping out of my chair, and throwing my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist; we embrace for several long moments.




    "I thought you were still in Europe."




    "I was until last night."




    I look at him curiously.




    "Are you back for good?" Hope laces my words.




    "Yeah, back for good… guess who came with m-”




    "Clay!" I look over my shoulder, and step out of the way.




    Clay and Aiden exchange a hug and a few words. The fact that Clay was trying to tell me something slips my mind.

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    1. This is a powerful and compelling story laced with intrigue and passion so please, I beg of you, don’t abandon this story. You are one of my favorite fanfic writers. I’ll beg if I have too… son’t abandon ship! :(

    2. This is a powerful and compelling story laced with intrigue and passion so please, I beg of you, don’t abandon this story. You are one of my favorite fanfic writers. I’ll beg if I have too… son’t abandon ship! :(

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