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    Practice – (Chapter: Marissa)




    We talk for a few more moments before the three of us move a few feet and take a seat at the table Aiden and I had been sitting at minutes ago. My attention is directed towards Aiden as he sits, giving me a big smile, gesturing to the food in his hand he say; "Brownies."




    He says this as if running out of a conversation shouting brownies is a perfectly normal thing for a grown man to do.




    "You’re such a weirdo."




    "Yes, yes I am."




    We’re quite for several long minutes, Aiden refuses to speak as he devours his brownie, and Clay and I are too amused by Aiden’s eating habits to turn our attention away from him. We must’ve been watching Aiden for a good two minutes before I feel an arm around my shoulder.




    "Ashley." I say without looking to see who it is.




    Clay gives me a curious look, I stand.




    "Ashley this is my brother Clay, Clay this… uh… my friend Ashley."




    She nods giving him a genuine smile while reaching her hand out to shake his.




    "Nice to meet you."




    “You too.”




    "Did you just get here?"




    She nods her head.




    "Let’s get you a drink."




    We briefly wave to both Clay and Aiden before walking off I direct my attention to Clay.




    “Don’t move, I’ll be right back, I wanna talk to you.”






    I look over at Aiden.




    “I get no love?”




    “No, you get love too.” I flip him the bird with a laugh.




    “That’s cold Spence.” He shouts.




    I ignore him and continue to walk with Ashley. As we’re walking she wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to her. We reach the kitchen in a matter of minutes, surprisingly it’s completely empty. Ashley and I share a small smile before I push her against the sink, pressing my lips to hers.




    My mouth wanders down to her neck after a few minutes.




    Somehow she is able to form a complete sentence.




    "What’re we doing after this?" Her voice sounds quite husky.




    I pull away from her neck.






    “What do you want to do?”





    She smiles. “We could go to the beach and…. talk.”




    In all honesty I don’t think I’m ready to talk so I come up with another option.




    "Or we could catch a movie, and then go back to your place so we can-"




    Our conversation is ended there, someone loudly clears their throat. This pulls Ashley and I back into reality.




    I step away from Ashley, Clay is standing in the kitchen‘s doorway. An embarrassed look covers his face..




    "Ashley, Spencer." A few more embarrassed nods come before I say something.




    "Hey, we were just about to come back…….”




    Another awkward moments passes, he interrupts it.




    "Spencer, I should tell you I brought someone with me."




    I give him a confused expression. Rather than elaborating he steps into the kitchen, revealing a tall red head. My jaw drops, instantly realizing who it is. She speaks before I have a chance.




    "Spencer… Uh…. I…"




    With a sigh she shuts her mouth.




    "Marissa." I say, before I throw myself into her arms.

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    1. This is a powerful and compelling story laced with intrigue and passion so please, I beg of you, don’t abandon this story. You are one of my favorite fanfic writers. I’ll beg if I have too… son’t abandon ship! :(

    2. This is a powerful and compelling story laced with intrigue and passion so please, I beg of you, don’t abandon this story. You are one of my favorite fanfic writers. I’ll beg if I have too… son’t abandon ship! :(

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