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    Practice – (Chapter: Never Did, Never Will)




    "Do you understand why I kicked you out Spencer?"






    My lack of input encourages her to continue with her ‘speech’.






    "I thought if I banned you from the house you’d wake up, and maybe even realize that family is the most important thing that you’ll ever get in this life. I wanted to save you from this."




    She points in the direction we had just emerged from. I continue with my silence, knowing it bothers her more than any words I could string together.






    "Spencer, you have to understand where I’m coming from, even if it’s just a small part of you. You know I’m trying to do what’s best for you. You can’t go down this road Spencer, I won’t let you."






    She takes a few steps to me. I automatically jump backwards, not wanting to feel her touch, knowing it would break me.






    "Leave me the hell alone. I don’t need your fucking help."






    The words don’t seem to sting her as much as I hoped they would. Instead of tears stinging her face, pure hatred covers it. Venom laced words spill from her mouth.






    "You don’t need my help? If it weren’t for me you’d still be cowering in the corner of that cell. I just bailed you out of jail. Who would’ve come for you if I hadn’t?"






    I know her words are meant to push me into comprehension, but her thinking I’m dependent on her provokes my bad behavior.






    "I didn’t ask you to come; your buddy officer Anderson called you against my will. I don’t need you, never did, never will."






    Finally I’m satisfied that my words have really hit home, so I turn and continue to make my way down the short alley. When I reach the other side of the alley I step out onto the sidewalk, hailing a cab.






    For once a cab comes toward me almost immediately. I throw open the back door and angrily maneuver myself inside. I spit out my address, not bothering to spare the cabbie a look. The ride is fast. Less than two minutes. I probably could have walk the distance in ten, but my need to remove myself from the previous situation was enough encouragement to waste my money.






    I step out of the car and throw a few bills into the driver’s window. He mumbles a few words before putting his car into reverse and irately backing the car out of the driveway.






    I make my way to the front door, taking note to the two cars parked in the driveway. One belonging to my father, the other an unfamiliar.







    Probably just another tramp.






    Those were my thoughts before I pulled my keys out of my pocket and stuck them into the lock. If I’d only listened to my mother, I would have spared myself and everyone around me a hell of a lot of pain and insecurity. What was behind that door was far worse than anything I would have ever anticipated. The events that took place that day would have a hold me for the rest of my life.

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    1. You ended it there??!! Seriously??!! I can’t imagine what’s behind those doors that affected Spencer so much. I guess that’s why you’re writing this story and I’m not. You and your cliffhangers. PMS!

    2. WHAT’D SHE SEE WHAT’D SHE SEE? My imagination is blanking the only thing i can think is a doctor to straighten her out or something… but i have to know.. post more asap… PLEASE????

    3. Hell yea an update! And you are seriously making me anxious! What happened?! I’m so glad you updated, but i really hope we get to know the whole story next chapter and i really hope that it comes out soon. You have to do this for me or i’ll cry! PMS!

    4. You ended it there??!! Seriously??!! I can’t imagine what’s behind those doors that affected Spencer so much. I guess that’s why you’re writing this story and I’m not. You and your cliffhangers. PMS!

    5. WHAT’D SHE SEE WHAT’D SHE SEE? My imagination is blanking the only thing i can think is a doctor to straighten her out or something… but i have to know.. post more asap… PLEASE????

    6. Hell yea an update! And you are seriously making me anxious! What happened?! I’m so glad you updated, but i really hope we get to know the whole story next chapter and i really hope that it comes out soon. You have to do this for me or i’ll cry! PMS!

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