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    Practice – (Chapter: Oh, Hell No)



    "Stupid fucking assholes."



    He laughs at my childish antics.



    "Today just isn’t your day Spence…. Come to think of it hasn’t exactly been your week."



    I speed up the car.



    "Not since your mom introduced that chick to your woman."



    "Shut the fuck up Aiden."



    He lets out a loud laugh.






    I snap my head in his direction.



    "What the fuck Aiden?"



    "You did not deny Ashley as being your woman, thus proving that you are madly in love with her."



    "Aiden your logic is-"



    "Undeniable, I know."



    He briefly looks out of his window; I take this opportunity to smack him in the back of his cocky head.



    A low hiss escapes his lips, hands smoothing his hair.



    "Go ahead Spence; hit me but your only confirming my suspicions."



    "What suspicions?"



    "Your want Ashley more than anything and your giving yourself away so easily…. You should really work on that, being a lawyer and all. It can’t be good for you to show your hand so quickly."









    "How am I giving myself away?"



    I feel his eyes on my face, as I put my attention to the road and the surrounding vehicles.



    "I thought you’d never ask."



    He clears his throat before continuing.



    "There are several things that you’re doing to make emotions stand out like the sun, but since we’re a bit pressed for time I’ll give you the top three. I should start by saying that all of these behaviors appeared last week on the ride home from that charity event…. right after your mother introduced Dianne to Ashley."



    I shoot daggers at him.



    "Get on with it."



    "First off through out this entire week you’ve barely been able to form a complete sentence without some how involving the word fuck and/or the various forms of the word."



    "Okay so I’ve been using a bit of foul language, who doesn’t?"



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    1. Oh hell no is right. That lap is Spencer’s, if only she would admit that she likes Ashley and would tell us what her problem is that she doesn’t want Ashley to find out about. Fortunately for Spencer, I think Ashley is crazy about her also. So that brunette on Ashley’s lap might just be a ploy to make Spencer jealous. Or what do I know? Guess I’ll find out when you update again.

    2. haha that was so hilarious when aiden was proving his point and spencer kept on swearing lol, and omg im ganna kill spence she HAS to admit she loves ashley dispite what maybe happened in her past and omg what the hell does that slut think shes doing on ashleys lap??? nuh-uh its reserved for S.P.E.N.C.E.R. haha lol

    3. I agree that Ash may be trying to make Spencer mad, but hey i think Spencer deserves it. I mean come on…anybody would jump Ashley if they got the chance. I really want them together, but a lil torture never hurt. Great update! PMS!

    4. OMG…public bench…that was hilarious. I want them to hook up too, and Spence does need to step up her game..OH HELL NO!!! is a great start…cheers mate.

    5. Oh hell no is right. That lap is Spencer’s, if only she would admit that she likes Ashley and would tell us what her problem is that she doesn’t want Ashley to find out about. Fortunately for Spencer, I think Ashley is crazy about her also. So that brunette on Ashley’s lap might just be a ploy to make Spencer jealous. Or what do I know? Guess I’ll find out when you update again.

    6. haha that was so hilarious when aiden was proving his point and spencer kept on swearing lol, and omg im ganna kill spence she HAS to admit she loves ashley dispite what maybe happened in her past and omg what the hell does that slut think shes doing on ashleys lap??? nuh-uh its reserved for S.P.E.N.C.E.R. haha lol

    7. I agree that Ash may be trying to make Spencer mad, but hey i think Spencer deserves it. I mean come on…anybody would jump Ashley if they got the chance. I really want them together, but a lil torture never hurt. Great update! PMS!

    8. OMG…public bench…that was hilarious. I want them to hook up too, and Spence does need to step up her game..OH HELL NO!!! is a great start…cheers mate.

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