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    Practice – (Chapter: Oh, Hell No)

    "You don’t. I’ve never heard little Miss Ohio curse as much as you have this week."



    My mouth opens; before I can speak he places a finger over my lips and shushes me.



    "Second, your usual happy energetic mood has been replaced by your second personality which I like to refer to as bitchy, don’t fuck with me Spencer…."



    He pauses for a few moments.



    "Run out of reasons?"



    He shakes his head in the negative.



    "Nah, I just thought this was one of those moments where I should pause for dramatic effect."



    He laughs before continuing.



    "Last but not least, last night we went to the club… Do you remember that?"



    "Yes, I fucking remember Aiden, get to the fucking point."



    "I’d like to thank you for proving my first point, but before you inflicts any more physical damage on me I will reveal what’s behind door number three. You left the club with me last night."






    "We’ve been best friends since as long as I can remember, and I can not recall a single time you left a club with me, not since high school anyways…. So, in conclusion you are madly in love with Ashley."



    I pull into the parking lot and park in my designated space before turning to Aiden.



    "You are really fucking retarded."



    "And yet you continue to prove my first point."



    "Fuck you Aiden."



    "And she does it again."



    I let out a loud frustrated sigh.



    "I think that proves my second point."



    I rip my key from the ignition, throwing the door open moments later.



    "You just can’t win."



    Breath Spencer, just breath.



    I slam the door close, seconds later I hear Aiden’s door do the same. He walks around to my side of the car, and offers his arm. I accept with a fake smile, not wanting to prove anymore of his ‘points’.



    "Let’s go before my mother thinks we bailed on her."



    We hurriedly make our way to the main doors. We slip through them and walk to the desk on the right side of the large room. Aiden pulls our tickets out of his suit pocket, the Spanish woman behind the counter smiles and motions for us to enter.



    I smile in relief, as a security guard pushes the door open. The event hasn’t begun yet; dozens of people are standing around in small circles making conversation. Aiden and I move to our designated table.






    I turn facing my mother.



    "You guy are a bit late, but I guess it’s better than not showing up at all."



    She briefly acknowledges Aiden before speaking to me.



    "Bradley Davis is here, you’ve heard about his recent legal trouble right?"



    I nod my head.



    "Yeah, he and his partner just split."



    "Yes, it’s seems as though things might get a bit messy and he’s decided he doesn’t want to represent himself. He asked about you representing him!"



    My jaw drops in shock.



    "No way! He’s one of the best lawyers in LA!"



    "Yes, go talk to him."



    My sour mood shifts as I remove my jacket and place it on the back of my chair. The mood shift lasts for all of ten seconds as I spin around I spot Ashley, a laughing brunette occupying her lap.



    Oh, hell no.






















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    1. Oh hell no is right. That lap is Spencer’s, if only she would admit that she likes Ashley and would tell us what her problem is that she doesn’t want Ashley to find out about. Fortunately for Spencer, I think Ashley is crazy about her also. So that brunette on Ashley’s lap might just be a ploy to make Spencer jealous. Or what do I know? Guess I’ll find out when you update again.

    2. haha that was so hilarious when aiden was proving his point and spencer kept on swearing lol, and omg im ganna kill spence she HAS to admit she loves ashley dispite what maybe happened in her past and omg what the hell does that slut think shes doing on ashleys lap??? nuh-uh its reserved for S.P.E.N.C.E.R. haha lol

    3. I agree that Ash may be trying to make Spencer mad, but hey i think Spencer deserves it. I mean come on…anybody would jump Ashley if they got the chance. I really want them together, but a lil torture never hurt. Great update! PMS!

    4. OMG…public bench…that was hilarious. I want them to hook up too, and Spence does need to step up her game..OH HELL NO!!! is a great start…cheers mate.

    5. Oh hell no is right. That lap is Spencer’s, if only she would admit that she likes Ashley and would tell us what her problem is that she doesn’t want Ashley to find out about. Fortunately for Spencer, I think Ashley is crazy about her also. So that brunette on Ashley’s lap might just be a ploy to make Spencer jealous. Or what do I know? Guess I’ll find out when you update again.

    6. haha that was so hilarious when aiden was proving his point and spencer kept on swearing lol, and omg im ganna kill spence she HAS to admit she loves ashley dispite what maybe happened in her past and omg what the hell does that slut think shes doing on ashleys lap??? nuh-uh its reserved for S.P.E.N.C.E.R. haha lol

    7. I agree that Ash may be trying to make Spencer mad, but hey i think Spencer deserves it. I mean come on…anybody would jump Ashley if they got the chance. I really want them together, but a lil torture never hurt. Great update! PMS!

    8. OMG…public bench…that was hilarious. I want them to hook up too, and Spence does need to step up her game..OH HELL NO!!! is a great start…cheers mate.

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