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    Practice – (Chapter: Scarred From the Past)

    "It doesn’t have to be perfect Spencer."

    My shoulders lift upwards, falling back just as quickly. She laughs again, and continues to watch me. This does nothing but add to my nerves.

    "What’s wrong?"

    The potato falls out of my hand, the knife following suit. I turn to her, taking in a breath of air. She stands, waiting, a concerned look plastered over her face.

    "Mom, I have to tell you something, but please don’t freak out."

    She smacks herself in the forehead with her left hand.

    "Oh my god, you’re pregnant."

    She begins to do some kind of weird thing with her hands. She rubs her eyes, smacks herself; then she raises her hands above her head and looks up, probably in search of God. She does this three times before I manage to step forward and grabs her wrists. She looks at me, panic fill her blue eyes.

    "Mom, I’m not pregnant. Just… gay."

    She lets out a huge sigh and steps forward, wrapping her arms around me.

    "Oh thank god!"

    I awkwardly return the hug, confused by her response.

    "You’re okay with this?"

    I feel her nod her head against my shoulder.

    "I had an idea that you might be gay, but the Aiden character is a bit frisky with you. Thank the lord you’re not pregnant."

    She was so accepting; of course it did take her a bit of time to get used to Marissa. Not because she was my girlfriend but because of her ‘bad habits’. Things between my mother and I were better after I told her I had no interest in the opposite sex, only when I allowed myself to be influenced by Marissa did our relationship begin to change for the worst.

    "What the hell is this Spencer?"

    I look up from my spot on the computer, a bored expression covering my features, as my mother, Clay, and Glen approach me.


    "It’s called an eight ball mother, you’ve should know this by now. You’ve found plenty of them."

    She let’s out a shocked gasp.

    "Why is it in my house?"

    I turn back to the computer screen before I reply.

    "Well I was planning on cutting it later tonight, but that probably isn’t going to happen now."

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    1. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

    3. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

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