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    Practice – (Chapter: Scarred From the Past)

    "You said you quit."

    A sharp laughs leaves me.

    "I’ve said a lot of things."

    She shakes her head in fury.

    "Get out."

    Back then when I was in the moment I thought using cocaine was nothing, a simple task that could fit in with my everyday schedule. But that wasn’t the case allowing myself to be influenced by other people forced my mother to take kick me out of the house. Which led me to move in with my father, and of course led to the event that I still have not been able to come to terms with.

    "You know, you look just like your mother."

    My mind processes his words in a matter of seconds. I tear my arm from his grip and spring off of the couch. In my efforts to remove myself from the uncomfortable feeling his touch had been giving me, I lose my balance. Stumbling backwards, and falling on my ass.

    This gives him more than enough time to lift himself off of the couch. He steps over me, a foot on both sides of my body. For what feels like forever we stay motionless, our eyes stay locked together. He drops his flask on the table as I regain control of my body and try to scramble backwards. He shakes his heads at my movements, leans down and grabs my wrists firmly.

    A twisted smirk covers his face, as he easily lifts me from the floor. I struggle, trying to release my wrists from his painful grasp. When I realize that this strategy is going to be unsuccessful I being let my knee come into use.

    He twists his body to the side, blocking his groin. I continue to wildly kick and knee him in every place possible. It’s unsuccessful as are my screams.

    He grabs my wrist tighter, pulling a pain filled scream from the bottom of my throat. He licks his lips at this, spinning us around and forcing me down onto the couch.

    "Dad!" I scream, his name repeatedly, a response never comes.

    Ben stares down at me, eyes glazed over with lust. He wastes no more time, he plants himself on top of me.

    I continue to cry and struggle as his disgusting tongue rolls over every inch of my neck.

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    1. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

    3. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

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