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    Practice – (Chapter: Scarred From the Past)

    He does this for a long time, before leaning back and staring into my tear filled eyes. I plead with him.

    "Ben, please don’t do this."

    He laughs, before placing his lips over mine he says;

    "You’ll like this Paula."

    I scream at the top of my lungs, ripping my lips away from him.

    "I’m not Paula."

    "Shush, I’ll make you feel better Paula."

    He shifts around for a few moments before gripping both of my wrists with just one of his hands. He slides my skirt up my waist, quickly discarding my thong. Finally I give up my fight, my body is too tired, and there is nothing left I can do. He struggles with his belt buckle; I let out a series of sobs when I hear the latch pop. In a matter of seconds his pants are gone.

    And in that moment what I had been hoping for happens. My father stumbles into the living room. Both Ben and I stare at him, waiting for him to make a move.

    "Dad, help me."

    He stares back at me, looking confused. After a few more seconds he begins to walk in my direction. I let out a relieved sigh, a smile on my face. It disappears just as quickly. I watch my father walk towards us, stopping to lean over and grab Ben’s flask off of the table. He opens it, smells it before downing some.

    Horrified I watch him drunkenly stumble out of the room.

    "DAD, DAD, DAD, DAD!" I scream.

    At the sound of the front door slamming shut Ben turns back to me. With a smile he shoves himself inside of me.

    Four hours of hell followed, but everything that had happened didn’t cut as deep as watching my father leave me to be raped. Not the pain of him shoving himself in every possible place, or the way he hit me, the way he made me tell him I loved him. Certainly not the feeling of him running a random kitchen knife across my back. Covering my back in thick scars more than a half inch wide and six inches long. Alcohol was more important than saving his own daughter.


    I look over to Ashley confused.

    "Where’d you go?" She says this laughing.

    I look around the large room the lights have returned, people have began mingling again. I let out a defeated laugh. She looks at me concerned, her brow wrinkling, making her nose scrunch up in that irresistible way. That does it, that face makes the uneasy feeling melt away along with all of my inhibitions.

    "You know I’m not really into this thing." She points around the room. "This whole thing is just a scheme to help rich people roll in a few more bucks."

    I nod my head in agreement.

    "Did you drive?"

    "No she didn’t." A masculine voice calls from over my shoulder. I look back at Aiden surprised. Ashley smiles as she stands.

    "Let’s get outta here."

    I follow her lead as she heads for the exit. Before leaving I turn back to Aiden.
    "Key’s are in my jacket pocket."

    "Don’t worry I’ll get your car back to you safe and sound."


    I meet up with a patient Ashley standing by the main exit. Hand in hand we make our way to the parking lot. Suddenly something dawns on me.

    "What about Dianne?"

    "What about her?" She asks confused.

    "Didn’t you come with her?"

    She shakes her head in the negative.

    "No, we met up when we got here."

    "Don’t you think you should-"

    She steps forward whispering into my ear seductively.

    "Right now, it’s all about you."

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    1. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

    3. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

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