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    Practice – (Chapter: Stitch Me Up)


    "I’ll see you at seven.”



    I wink at her before staring down at the chart and making my exit.



    I make my way down the crowded hallway. Inwardly I reprimand myself for my actions. Putting the moves on Lynn is stupid of me for so many reasons. Partly because of the strict no fraternizing policy, but mostly because we’ve already been down this road.



    After a year of dating we finally accepted the fact that our relationship had failed miserably. So why am I putting myself back in the same situation?



    The answer to that is easy. Lynn is a dime and a half, and I’m way too lazy to go out and find someone else to spend my night with.



    I outwardly laugh at my minds choice of words. ‘Dime and a half?’ Where the hell did I pick up that kind of lingo?



    I cease my thoughts as I reach my patients door. Before entering I knock lightly.



    "Yes.“ Is the sound that greets me. I turn the handle and take a step inside. I greet the blonde haired girl sitting in the center of the room with a bright smile. She does her best to smile back at me.



    I look down and the chart and flip through a few of the pages before making eye contact with the blonde.



    "Hi, Mrs. Carlin I’m Dr. Davies." She nods her head. I take a few steps towards her and set the chart down on the countertop a few feet to her left.



    "What seems to be the problem?"



    She removes the small blue towel from it’s spot on her forearm. I nod my head and turn back to the counter. I open the cabinet just above the sink and pull out a pair of white rubber gloves. I turn back to the blonde haired woman and give her a small smile. She smiles back as I gently grab her wrist inspecting the small laceration.




    "On a scale of one to ten, one being painless and ten being the most excruciating pain you’ve ever experienced how does it feel right now?"

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    1. Yes, you definitely need to continue this. Dr. Davies and Spencer the Lawyer, certainly some potential there. I hope you decide to continue.

    2. Yes, you definitely need to continue this. Dr. Davies and Spencer the Lawyer, certainly some potential there. I hope you decide to continue.

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