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    Practice – (Chapter: Stitch Me Up)



    "Probably a three."



    After a few seconds of further inspection I bring my eyes back to hers. She smiles brightly.



    I clear my throat before speaking. "It’s not too bad, but your definitely going to need a few stitches." A knowing look crosses her features.



    As if on cue a light tap makes me turn my attention to the door. It opens and in steps a nurse. She smiles at the two of us and sets a small tray down on the countertop. I thank her, she makes a quick exit.



    I turn to the tray of items the nurse had supplied. I pick up the needle and walk back over to the blue eyed girl.



    "This is just to ease the pain when I stitch it." She says nothing as I stick the needle inside of her arm.



    After I’m finished I place the needle back on the tray.



    "It’s going to take a few minutes to kick in. Let me know when it feels bit numb." She nods her head in understanding.



    Boy she’s a talkative one.



    A few silent seconds pass. "How did you do that?"



    She shrugs her shoulders "Trying to do some home improvements myself." She laughs.



    I smile at her, and she continues the conversation. "Have you worked here long?"



    I shrug my shoulders. "A little over a year."



    She nods her head. "You enjoy this job?"



    "It pays well."



    She says nothing for a few moments. "You seem like you’d do better in a bigger practice."



    I shake my head. "I worked in an ER for the first couple years of my career, it just didn’t suit me."




    "Why not?"



    I shrug my shoulders. "I used to work in a hospital dead center of LA. I guess I just got sick of stitching up the same gun shot victims over and over."



    She doesn’t say anything for a few moments. "You probably went to school for a long time, don’t you feel like your wasting your talent in this little practice?"

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    1. Yes, you definitely need to continue this. Dr. Davies and Spencer the Lawyer, certainly some potential there. I hope you decide to continue.

    2. Yes, you definitely need to continue this. Dr. Davies and Spencer the Lawyer, certainly some potential there. I hope you decide to continue.

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