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    Practice – (Chapter: The Jealousy Game)

    "I’ll go if Ashley goes."

    My eyes drift back towards Spencer. Her eyebrows are arched, a frown covering her face.

    "I didn’t realize you guys were such good friends."

    I’m friends with anyone who treats you better than the person you seem to be obsessing over.

    My shoulders lift upwards, coming down just as quick.

    "She’s a good wingman… she attracts the ladies."

    I say the last part in my ‘smooth guy’ voice, before looking back out of the window, and losing myself in my thoughts.

    "We need a plan."


    The brunette gives me a ‘you know what I mean’ look before smiling and continuing with her words.

    "Yeah, we, as in you and me…."

    No, no. You mean we and in you and Spencer. Now that would be good. Spencer and Ashley, that sounds good, really good.

    "You could help me get rid of this new pest."

    I take a minute to think about what she’s saying. Really thinking about it, getting involved in this lesbian drama could mean serious trouble for me in the future. Trouble I don’t want or need.

    "You want me to help you find a way to get Marissa out of the picture?"

    She nods quickly, flashing me a smile. Not just any smile, no. The smile she’s flashing is supposed to be a luring smile, the smile that’s supposed to put me under her spell. This tactic doesn’t work; I have no desire to be with her. Not when there’s a chance that she could be the one to bring Spencer back, to bring back the happy easy going blonde I once knew.

    "I don’t think I can help you."

    I state, honestly hoping she’ll let it be, hoping she’ll let me avoid this dyke drama. Of course she doesn’t, after an aggravated sigh she’s right back to trying to convince me to help her.

    "Oh come on, you want to get rid of the whore just as much as me."

    True, her words are very true. I’d love not having to worry about this redhead doing anymore damage than she’s already done.

    "I’m not denying that, but you don’t understand what Spencer would do if she knew I was intentionally fucking around with her personal life."

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    1. great post! so nice to see something from Aiden’s POV for once! can’t wait to see what their magical plan is! don’t leave us hanging for too long!

    2. Favorite line: “So you’re just going to settle for Marissa because you’ll get to dodge some really difficult conversations?” There it is…Spencer’s fear. Let the drama begin! Impressive update. PMS!

    3. great post! so nice to see something from Aiden’s POV for once! can’t wait to see what their magical plan is! don’t leave us hanging for too long!

    4. Favorite line: “So you’re just going to settle for Marissa because you’ll get to dodge some really difficult conversations?” There it is…Spencer’s fear. Let the drama begin! Impressive update. PMS!

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