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    Practice – (Chapter: The Jealousy Game)

    The brunette across from me lets out a series of laughs, hair bouncing as she her rolls her head around in amusement.

    "Your-" Laugh." Afraid." Laugh. "Of." Laugh. "Spencer." Laugh, laugh, laugh.

    My trademark death glare is enough to get her laughter to subside.

    "You don’t know how Spencer can be. She… When she’s mad she can be… scary."

    My words provoke more laughter. Why did I just admit that? She continues to laugh; finally I get fed up with her laughter and launch my greasy napkin at her head. The napkin bounces off of her head, landing in front of her.

    "Gross." She says, flicking the napkin in my direction.

    "I’m serious; you don’t wanna see Spencer angry. She can get… Hulk like."

    Yes, you laugh, but it’s true.

    "Hulk like?" She says, an amused tone lacing her words.

    "Yes, Hulk like."

    I state in a calm serious tone.

    After another fit of giggles, she settles down and gets back to business.

    "So you gonna help me out or not?"

    I’m tempered to say no, I want to say no… but after thinking back to the High School years I realize I don’t have a choice. I’m willing to deal with Spencer’s foul language and cold shoulder attempts, as long as I don’t have to worry about Marissa anymore.

    "I’m in."

    A swift kick to my shin brings me back to the present.

    "You’re coming with me tonight, right?"

    "Yeah, yeah." I say, remembering tonight is Clay’s welcome home party. After pausing for a moment I decide to add in a few untrue words.

    "I told Ashley I’d take her."

    I quickly add in "She doesn’t know how to get to the house." After the younger blonde gives me a questioning look.

    "Seriously Aiden, when did the two of you become best buds?"

    For a moment I pretend to think, rubbing my fingers over my chin before speaking.

    "About the time my best friend forgot about me and started to build her life around her ex."

    She jumps forward, a mess of blonde hair cascades down her shoulders.

    "Hey I’ve called you, it’s not my fault you don’t answer your phone."

    She doesn’t deny building her life around the whore.

    I finish off my fries before I sit forward and begin to speak seriously.

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    1. great post! so nice to see something from Aiden’s POV for once! can’t wait to see what their magical plan is! don’t leave us hanging for too long!

    2. Favorite line: “So you’re just going to settle for Marissa because you’ll get to dodge some really difficult conversations?” There it is…Spencer’s fear. Let the drama begin! Impressive update. PMS!

    3. great post! so nice to see something from Aiden’s POV for once! can’t wait to see what their magical plan is! don’t leave us hanging for too long!

    4. Favorite line: “So you’re just going to settle for Marissa because you’ll get to dodge some really difficult conversations?” There it is…Spencer’s fear. Let the drama begin! Impressive update. PMS!

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