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    Practice – (Chapter: The Unexpected Fuck)

    That is also surreal to me, we’ve barely began, in fact we’re still fully clothed, and I’m already feeling more than I’ve ever felt.




    Your hands are running down my back, slowly. When you lift my shirt over my head I let out a wild groan. You sit up, hands massaging my breasts.




    You grow frustrated with my clothed breasts; reaching behind my back to unclip my bra… you do this one handedly, if I might add.




    The bra is discarded, your mouth finds its way to my left breast. Placing kissing around my nipples. You smile against my breast, carefully taking my erect nipple into your mouth.




    I let out an odd sound, something between a moan and growl, as your tongue circles the erect tip. You continue to suck on my nipple, eventually moving on to the other. When you pull away your hands replace your mouth, massaging my breasts.




    You stand up, only to throw me back down onto the bed. You lean over the bed, fingers grabbing at the button on my jeans. You struggle for a moment, they pop open, and you lean over me, kissing me deeply.




    You try to pull my pants off as we’re kissing, your attempt is unsuccessful. You lean away from me and try to pull my pants off… still unsuccessful.




    "How the hell did you get these things on?" You say, referring to my skin tight jeans.




    I don’t answer; instead I try to pull them down myself. A couple aggravated screams and a few curse words later my pants are still on. By now you’re beyond frustrated. You prove my point by turning, looking around my room, and grabbing a pair of scissors off of my nightstand.




    "Are you serious?" I say.




    You give me a look that silently tells me you’re not joking around.




    "You’ve got a million pairs." You say this while gesturing towards my open closet.




    You lean toward me, making a half foot cut on each of my pant legs. I have to giggle when you tear the denim in a ‘hulk’ like fashion. Before long the remaining pieces of my jeans are discarded to undisclosed places.

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    1. Poor Spence, she’s so scared! I’m glad Ash got some action though! I hope the next chapter is Spencer opening up. And your smut is always amazing! LoL! PMS!

    2. Poor Spence, she’s so scared! I’m glad Ash got some action though! I hope the next chapter is Spencer opening up. And your smut is always amazing! LoL! PMS!

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