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    Practice – (Chapter: The Unexpected Fuck)




    Small kisses are placed all along my belly; you make your way up the bed, planting a firm kiss on my lips.




    It’s no longer sweet and slow, our pace has quickly become rushed and hard, again. After a few minutes I attempt to pull your shirt over your head, I’m just as unsuccessful here as I was with the jeans.




    Before I have an opportunity to protest your tongue is dipping into my belly button, causing me to moan and forget about everything that was passing through my mind.




    Your hand dips into the band of my thong, you don’t tease. You run your fingers over the clit, quickly making your way down to my beyond wet slit. You pull your hand out; a shrill whine is my protest.




    After a laugh you pull my thong down, throwing it into the corner of the bedroom as you place your hand back down to my pussy, slipping one finger inside. I take in a sharp breath at this feeling. Your thumb applies pressure to my nub as you add another finger and begin to form a comfortable rhythm.




    My hips begin to buck against your hand, as you kiss the inside of my thigh, letting your tongue and even teeth come into play every so often.




    "Faster." I say.




    You’re quick to follow through with my words. My back arches, I shut my eyes tight. When your lips wrap around my clit I let out the loudest moan, screaming your name in the process.




    I’m so close now, you can sense. Your tongue starts to flick my clit harder and faster, fingers curling and tapping away at my g spot, sending me over the edge.




    You stay stationed at the edge of the bed, as I try to regain some type of composure. After about five minutes I finally gain the ability to move, sitting up I grab the edge of your shirt. You’re quick to put your hands over mine.




    "I can’t." You say.




    I give you a strange looking, wondering what’s going through your head. Something about the scared look on your face makes my hands drop away, I won’t push you. You back away from the bed, heading for the door. Before you’re completely out of reach I grab your arm, spinning you around.




    "Then just lay with me."




    And you do.

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    1. Poor Spence, she’s so scared! I’m glad Ash got some action though! I hope the next chapter is Spencer opening up. And your smut is always amazing! LoL! PMS!

    2. Poor Spence, she’s so scared! I’m glad Ash got some action though! I hope the next chapter is Spencer opening up. And your smut is always amazing! LoL! PMS!

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