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    Practice – (Chapter: Them Digits)



    She opens her mouth to explain just as a knock is heard at the door.



    "Come in!"



    I look over my shoulder to view the source of the interruption. A blonde haired woman steps inside, back first. My eyes stay locked on the figure for a moment before I turn my head back to Paula.



    The sound of her voice behind me forces my eyes to reconnect with the new person.



    Oh yeah, somebody hook me up with them digits.



    ‘Them digits?’ Dear God, over ten years of attending several of the best schools in the world and that’s the kind of vocabulary you choose to use?



    Man don’t front, you know you want in them pants just as badly as me.



    That may be true but please let’s not degrade this young woman by….




    The image of the blonde’s face forces the ‘professional’ voice out of my head.



    We can degrade that woman all-night-long!



    "Sorry I’m a bit late; the traffic out there is horrific."



    She hurriedly sets her briefcase down in a secluded area of the room. Flips her hair over her shoulder as she turns and makes eye contact with me. Her ocean blue eyes open a bit wider at the site of me. We hold eye contact for a moment before we’re interrupted by a Paula’s voice.



    "I’m glad your here Spencer, we can get this legal mumbo jumbo out of the way."



    She nods her head, eyes still connected with mine.



    "Oh I’m sorry. Ashley this is my daughter Spencer, Spencer this is our new doctor Ashley.”






    She smiles and offers her hand. I accept the offer, taking her hand in my own. The shake is brief but the feel of her soft palm against my own is more than enough to snag my interest.



    "Sit, sit. The sooner we get this over with the better."



    She takes a seat next to me, finally breaking eye contact to address her mother.



    "Do you have the papers?"

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    1. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    2. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

    3. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    4. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

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