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    Practice – (Chapter: Them Digits)



    The older blonde nods and hands over a small stack of papers. She gives me a ‘sexy’ smile before looking down at the papers.



    Before she has a chance to speak another voice interrupts us.







    The voice repeats itself one time before Paula stands and stares down at her watch.



    "I’m sorry I must’ve lost track of time. I’ve got a board meeting."



    She looks from me to Spencer.



    "You’ve done this plenty of times, you can handle it right?”



    Spencer gives a quick nod of the head, Paula’s attention shifts to me.



    "I’m so sorry about this, but Spencer will take good care of you."



    Her attention wanders back to Spencer.



    "You don’t have any plans tonight do you?"



    She smiles a mischievous smile.



    "Good, good. Maybe you could take Ashley out tonight, show her around."



    My eyes drift back to Spencer’s face.



    "No problem." She smiles brightly at me.



    Paula takes a few steps towards us before gently laying her hand on my shoulder.



    "You know Ashley attended Yale for three years."



    I struggle to hold in a laugh as I realize what’s going on. Spencer gives me a sideways glance before blushing.



    Jesus, does everyone in the medical field know I’m gay?



    She turns to me.



    "And Spencer graduated from Harvard Law. Number two in her class."



    Spencer’s shining blue eyes meet mine again, embarrassment fills them.



    I smile as I speak. "That’s very, very impressive."



    Paula lets out a small sound of joy. I turn back to face her, thankfully a voice saves both Spencer and I.






    Her features twist in frustration as she moves for the door.



    "Ashley, we’ll definitely talk a bit more before your first shift."






    "You two have a good time tonight." I nod.



    When sound of the door slams shut Spencer and I release our laughter.

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    1. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    2. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

    3. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    4. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

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