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    Practice – (Chapter: Them Digits)



    "Is it me or did your mother just try to set us up?"



    Her shoulder move upwards as she shakes her head, laughter still spilling out.



    "That’s my mother. Always trying to set me up with the most successful lesbians she knows."



    I chuckle, slightly surprised by her honesty. Once again she flashes me a bright smile, eyes glistening. This urges me to put on the ‘Davies charm’.



    "And why would a beautiful, successful girl like you still be single?”



    She pauses for a moment, uncertainty passing through her facial features. I can tell she’s trying to decide whether or not it’s safe to spill her secret. Obviously she decides it’s probably not the best idea to spill details of her life to someone she’s known for all of five minutes.



    "Because I have issues."




    "Well I am a doctor, so it’s safe to say that I could probably help you work through those issues."



    She laughs before saying; "Well aren’t you just a Good Samaritan."



    I join in her laughter. "You know us doctors, always trying to help the needy."



    She shakes her head. "Well you can stop while you’re ahead, I don’t date doctors."



    "And why is that?"



    "Because my issues are extremely frowned upon by them."



    Again her honesty surprises me.



    "What exactly are your issues?"



    "We should probably get this done." She says in reference to the white papers in her hand.



    Several possibilities run through my mind. Before I have a chance to work through my thoughts she grabs my attention.



    I listen intently as she explains each section of the document before handing me a pen. I sign without hesitation. I keep my eyes locked on her as she reads over the papers one last time. When she finishes she sets the papers down and turns her attention to me.



    "Still trying to figure me out?"






    "You should just give up now. I doubt you’ll ever be able to get inside my head. People have tried that all my life, and they haven’t even come close to being successful."



    "Well I’m not just some shrink, I’m Ashley Davies. So I have an advantage."



    She chuckles again, I join in her laughter, smiling at the ease of our conversation. We’ve known each other for fifteen minutes and we’re already falling into effortless conversation.



    I’ll get inside of her head… eventually.

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    1. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    2. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

    3. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    4. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

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