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    Practice – (Chapter: Waiting for Me?)



    My eyes meet Ashley’s I quickly tear my eyes away and fix the sleeves of my shirt, when my eyes return to meet her own I blush at how shamelessly they glide over my figure. I clear my throat as the little voice in my head turns itself on repeat.



    I don’t date doctors.



    "So do you think we should-"


    I am cut short by the shrill sound of ‘Coming Undone Wit It’



    Ashley outwardly laughs at the sound.



    "Never thought you as a Korn, Franchize Boys girl."



    "I’m not, Aiden demanded I have that as his ring tone."



    She laughs as I flip the phone open and raise it to my left ear.



    "What’s up Aid?"


    The pitch of his voice forces me to pull the phone away from my ear.



    "Calm down, it can’t be that bad…. Okay, okay. I’ll meet you in my office in a couple of minutes, okay?"



    I snap the phone shut and look back up at Ashley.



    "I really have to go to the office and deal with this. Do you think you could meet me in my office in about an hour?"



    She nods her head immediately. "Yeah, no problem."



    I smile at her and walk over a small table in the room. I quickly write the address and directions before standing and handing the piece of paper to Ashley. A smile makes its way across my face as I begin to walk towards the door.



    "Just walk right in when you get there. Everybody’ll be gone by time you get there."


    She nods.


    "See you in an hour."



    As I approach the building I adjust my shirt, so its just barely showing some skin. I continue on until I reach the large double doors. After I pull it open my eyes glance around the building.



    Very Professional.



    My eyes dart around until I notice the silver elevator doors, I step inside and press the black bolded number two.



    I feel a slight jolt as the elevator begins to rise. In a matter of seconds I hear a small ‘ding’. The large doors open and I step out onto the gray carpet.



    Again I spend a few seconds searching for my destination until I spot a large Carlin printed on the glass of what seems to be her office door.



    My feet take me to my destination, I swing the already cracked door open.



    Oh, fuck yes!



    I am greeted with the beautiful sight of Spencer’s firm ass.



    If I could only make her pants disappear.



    I waste no time, Immediately turning on the charm. As quietly as possible I walk into the room and making my way to Spencer.



    When I’m close enough I wrap my arms around her waist, and pull her towards me until her ass is against my pussy. I feel her tense.



    "Waiting for me?"



    The tension subsides. She laughs and spins around, I keep my arms wrapped around her.






    I lean closer until I can smell her perfume. I take a deep breath and lean in so I’m whispering into her ear.



    "You smell so fucking good."



    I hear her take in a sharp breath. I pull away from her so I’m staring back into her eyes. While keeping eye contact I lean forward and take her bottom lip in between my teeth. She offers no resistance. I pull away from her and immediately lick my lips, she threads her fingers through my hair.



    Our lips meet, she immediately parts her lips, I waste no time as I slip my tongue inside. The kiss is brief she pushes me away. I stare at her confused.



    "I don’t date doctors."



    I shrug my shoulders at her.



    "Who says we have to date? I want you, you want me, so what’s the problem?"



    She pulls me back into her.



    "Your right."



    Before our lips meet again I reply in my usual cocky manner.



    "I always am."

    Page 2 of 212


    1. It’s virtually impossible for Spencer and Ashley to NOT fall in love with each other. Spencer just has to get rid of those pesky issues before she will admit to it. I’m glad you’re back. I wondered where you went to.

    2. yay ur back!! lol, i am just in love with your plot with ashley being the doctor and spencer being a lawyer, its just so original… and im guessing in the past spencer had a relationship with someone who used to be a doctor and ever since doesnt want to get into that agian…. but no matter what i know that they are going to fall in love, if its slowly as they become friends or if they end up sleeping together right away…. its definently bound to happen!!!!lolPMS!!

    3. I see no problem in them hooking up for awhile! I’m so glad you posted! Sorry that you hurt yourself…i almost broke my ankle skateboarding and i now dont ever get on one. LoL! And i agree with everyone else…they have to fall in love, its just what happens. I’m hoping that you’ll let is in on Spence’s problems soon cause i’m dying to know! PMS!

    4. It’s virtually impossible for Spencer and Ashley to NOT fall in love with each other. Spencer just has to get rid of those pesky issues before she will admit to it. I’m glad you’re back. I wondered where you went to.

    5. yay ur back!! lol, i am just in love with your plot with ashley being the doctor and spencer being a lawyer, its just so original… and im guessing in the past spencer had a relationship with someone who used to be a doctor and ever since doesnt want to get into that agian…. but no matter what i know that they are going to fall in love, if its slowly as they become friends or if they end up sleeping together right away…. its definently bound to happen!!!!lolPMS!!

    6. I see no problem in them hooking up for awhile! I’m so glad you posted! Sorry that you hurt yourself…i almost broke my ankle skateboarding and i now dont ever get on one. LoL! And i agree with everyone else…they have to fall in love, its just what happens. I’m hoping that you’ll let is in on Spence’s problems soon cause i’m dying to know! PMS!

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