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    Practice – (Chapter: When It Rains, It Pours)

    It’s silent for a few moments.

    "No really, what happened." Excluding Aiden everyone in the room laughs, knowing how hard it is for him be in the dark about anything.

    I decide to throw him a bone. "We talked and it didn’t go so well." I state simply, hoping Aiden has enough sense not to push… Needless to say, he doesn’t, have enough sense that is.

    "What’d you guys talk about?"

    I shake my head at his question, using my eyes to tell him to shut the fuck up. Either he’s not bright enough to take the hint or he’s just trying to make my night difficult (I suspect it’s the latter). He asks the question again.

    "Personal stuff Aiden."

    "Did you guy’s aruge?" Trent asks.

    "Yeah, I guess."

    Trent opens his mouth before he can get a word out we hear the front door open, followed by a few loud bangs.

    "Don’t be alarmed! It’s me, I fell!"

    As soon as she finishes her sentence Aiden jumps out of his seat and rushes into the main room, the rest of us stay seated… as bad as I want to make sure she’s all right I don’t, knowing my attempts would be ignored. Besides, Dianne and Aiden have it covered.

    I hear Aiden’s heavy footsteps come to a halt.

    "Oh my God." He says, "You dropped the beer."

    A few odd sounds follow his words, and then a smacking sound comes. "Oh, don’t bother to help me up, just go right for the beer."

    The laughter that follows makes me smile. The two of them; Aiden and Ashley spend a few more minutes gathering the drinks and messing with each other before they appear in the living room door way.

    "Where’s Dianne?" Parker asks, once everyone has been given a drink.

    "Her Dad called, needed her home for something." She carelessly shrugs her shoulders.

    The rest of the night is filled with random conversations, shots, and of course Ashley and I exchanging glances every fifteen seconds. Eventually the alcohol runs out and soon after Trent, Parker, Kim, and Sarah clear out. Leaving Ashley, Aiden, and myself to sit in an awkward silence.

    "I think I’m gonna head home." Ashley stands bids Aiden a goodnight, leaving me feeling pretty left out. When I hear the front door shut, I stand and follow Ashley’s lead. Giving Aiden a quick goodnight as I rush out of the front door, hoping to catch Ashley."

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    1. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

    2. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

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