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    Practice – (Chapter: When It Rains, It Pours)

    I open the door some what happy to see the rain pouring down. Through the rain I see Ashley’s small figure making its way down the walkway. I call out to her; she briefly turns around, but doesn’t pay any attention to me.

    She continues to her car, I follow her hoping to clear the two week old tension. It takes us a good minute to walk down to her car, when it’s within her arms length I call out to her again. She spins on her heel, rain pouring down on the two of us.

    "What?!" She shouts, making herself heard above the rain.

    "We should talk."

    She shakes her head, making her hair move in every possible direction.

    "No, we already did that."

    I take a second before speaking. "You don’t understand-"

    "No, I understand perfectly. You think the entire world fucking revolves around you and your fucking problems."

    "It’s not like that!"

    "Yes it is you made that clear a couple of weeks ago! You think that you’re the only person on this God forsaken planet who’s ever had to deal with shit. Wake the fuck up Spencer, just because I was always a spoiled little rich kid doesn’t mean I haven’t been through some shit! Maybe what you’ve been through is horrible, but don’t fucking tell me I don’t know what pain is until you lose your Father, and Sister to cancer."

    I’m speechless as she walks around her and climbs inside.

    I regret snapping at her two weeks earlier, basically telling her that anything she’d been through didn’t even compare to the things in my past. I regret playing this come here, go away game I played with her. I regret my whole thing with Marissa, but most of all I regret standing there in the rain, letting her drive away without a fight.





    Title – Practice

    Chapter Title – Bad Blood

    Rating – PG-13

    Disclaimer – None of the South of Nowhere characters belong to me.

    A/N – I’m back from my little trip so I’ll be posting regularly again. This chapter really sucks. There’s no FOF and not much Spashley, but this chapter will lead up to a lot more Spashley action, so let me know what you’re thinking, and I’ll try to get another chapter up on this one and Let the Flames Begin some time tomorrow.

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    1. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

    2. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

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