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    Practice – (Chapter: When It Rains, It Pours)


    "So nine?" Dianne asks, voice filled with hope.

    "Yeah." I say in a rushed and impatient tone. "I really gotta go. Things are getting really hectic here, but I’ll give you a call when I get off."

    Without waiting for a response I flip the phone shut, shove it into my locker. I sigh a frustrated sigh, lately Dianne has been working my nerves. Always wanting to spend every free second together, and even going as far as to talk about moving in with each other. Moving in? We’ve only been dating for two months.

    Two months. That was a long time in general, but the fact that I hadn’t spoken to a certain blonde in that time made it so much harder to deal with. There were a few, scratch that a lot of phone calls in the first three weeks, but I hadn’t answered any of them. And now, I was starting to regret not hearing her out.

    This isn’t the time to be thinking about that.

    I look up and the clock 12:55. Five minutes until my meeting with Paula. I decide to head down to the nurse’s station to maybe get a little information before the meeting. When I reach the desk I’m glad to see Heather occupying the center seat. I lean over the counter brushing my right hand over her left one, in an attempt to grab her attention. She immediately pulls her hand back at the touch. When her head snaps up and she sees me she lets out a warm chuckle, her hand falling back onto the smooth table top.

    "What’s up Ashley?"

    I shrug my shoulders as I look down at the older woman. "I was just wondering if you knew why Paula wanted to see me." I ask her, knowing she’s pretty good friends with the older blonde. The white haired woman leans forward, her tone dropping a bit. "Honey, why are you whispering?" I continue to stare down at her, racking my brain for some response.

    Yeah you genius, why were you whispering?

    "Uh… I… really don’t know." I say, shrugging my shoulders again. She gives me a warm motherly smile as she chuckles. "I’m not sure why she wants to see you, but I’m sure it’s nothing bad."

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    1. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

    2. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

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