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    Practice – (Chapter: When It Rains, It Pours)

    Again a motherly smile covers her face as she rubs my shoulder reassuringly. Surprisingly this combined with a few more comforting words calms my nerves quite a bit. That is until I see Paula step out of her office, looking less than pleased, as she scans the large room.

    "Ashley!" My nerves come back tenfold when I hear her tone. Being in trouble with the boss is never fun, and judging by the pissed off look on her face I’m without a doubt in some sort of trouble. She motions for me to step into her office.

    My nerves were bad before but when I step into her office and see Sarah a nurse that usually assists during my surgeries sitting in one of the three chairs on the opposite side of Paula’s desk a swarm of uncomfortable butterflies start to move around in my stomach. I jump slightly when I hear the office door slam shut.

    "Have a seat."

    I take a seat without hesitation, wanting to know what’s going with no delay. Paula takes a seat behind her desk before she makes eye contact with me. "We have a problem." She states in the most defeated tone I’ve ever heard her use. I look towards Sarah. Instantly I know something is seriously wrong, by the way her eyes are downcast, tears flowing freely.

    "What’s going on?" Paula runs her fingers through her hair a few times. "Yesterday… you handled David Anderson’s case. You know the one who didn’t make it." I instantly recognize the name, I remember all the patients I lose.

    "I… we" I say motioning between Sarah and myself. "We did all we could." She doesn’t say anything, just looks between the two of us. "You gave him the wrong blood."

    Silence washes over the room. It takes a few moments before I realize what’s going on. When my brain catches up with me my head starts shaking back and forth in disbelief. "No, no, no." I say looking to Sarah for support. My attention goes back to Paula once I realize I’ll be getting no support from the crying brunette.


    I say again, not wanting to believe the truth in her words. "He was type A and he was given type B." She says.

    "No, I checked the bag… twice. That can’t be correct." An understanding look passes through her eyes. "It’s not a mistake. Yesterday after you clocked out Sam, the head of that floor, called me to come up there. The empty bags of blood were type B, not type A."

    "Oh my God."

    So many thoughts are running around in my mind. How the hell could I have given him the wrong blood? I hadn’t been lying when I said I checked the bag twice. How did the fact that it was the wrong blood get past both Sarah and myself?

    “The family has already been informed; they’re suing. They want a lot of money.” I hear the office door swing open I don’t bother to look back, but I immediately recognize the voice.

    "I’ve got the papers."


    "Spencer’s going to defend the two of you in court."

    "Defend us? I fucked up, we can just settle."

    Paula leans forward, letting her fingers trace a pattern over the desktop. "The number they’re asking for is crazy, and we both know that even if they’re hadn’t been a mistake he wouldn’t have made it. He was too far gone when they brought him in. We‘re fighting this." Her tone is final so I say nothing.

    This was bad, no beyond bad. A man had died and I was to blame. This was way too much. Not only was the guilt of my ‘mistake’ wearing down on me, but I’d have to go to court and face his family, and trust me when I say Spencer’s presence was doing nothing but getting me more and more worked up.

    "The board is going to want to-" Paula begins.

    Before she can get any further I jump out of my seat and head for the door. Spencer’s hand shoots out in an attempt to comfort me. I don’t pay any attention to this gesture, just violently shove her away from me and exit the office. I don’t stop walking, I continue until I’m out of the building walking right past my car and into the night.

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    1. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

    2. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

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