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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Faculty Meeting)


    “Since when are you the lecturing-type, Marco?” Spencer said still straddling her girlfriend.


    “All I’m saying is you know how President Michaels is about PDA…so just watch yourselves. Find a janitor’s closet…or use your offices…that’s what locks are for…or if you insist on this parking lot rendezvous stuff you should probably put the top up. Just some suggestions…ok…I’m done with my lecture…man I feel like I’m scolding my daughter or something…” Marco dramatically shivered. “Thanks a lot Spence…you made me sound like some old man or something.”


    “You ARE old…” Spencer yelled as Marco walked away. Marco stuck up his middle finger at Spencer and Ashley shook her head laughing.


    “Ok so…shall we get going?” Ashley said opening her door and lifting Spencer up off her lap.


    Spencer nodded and waited for Ashley to get out of the car to lock up. They walked hand in hand to the main walkway in between the buildings and gave each other one last kiss before breaking apart and heading to their own offices.




    Ashley walked in through the front doors of the Music building. She smiled at the girl who was sitting at the front desk who waved back energetically. She made her way down the hallway to her office and found a note from President Michaels lying on her desk. The note informed her that she was heading up a faculty meeting with the other music professors at 10:30 that morning. Ashley shook her head and looked at the clock seeing that she had only a few hours before this meeting.


    ‘What am I going to do? I mean these people probably wonder who the hell I think I am heading up this department now. Ash…Ash…you’re worried over nothing.’ She sat in her chair and rested her head on her desk.




    “So…we are having the world-renowned ‘Ashley’ lead us into a new direction…how exciting…I just can’t control my enthusiasm.” Jonathan sarcastically spat as he took his seat in the conference room.


    “Jonathan please save your comments for your own ‘alone time.’” Sandra said pouring herself a cup of coffee and then taking a seat next to him.


    “All I’m saying is that just because this girl sold a million or so albums doesn’t mean she’s qualified to head this department. I have been here for 20 years and not once did President Michaels give me an opportunity to show how much I could do.”

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    1. I really just love this story, and I loved this update. I liked the Spashley straddling hahah, and I like how Ashley basically told that proffessor to shut the fuck up. Update, QUICK

    2. I really just love this story, and I loved this update. I liked the Spashley straddling hahah, and I like how Ashley basically told that proffessor to shut the fuck up. Update, QUICK

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