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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Hello Class)


    “What are you doing baby?” Ashley whispered into Spencer’s ear as she shivered at the feeling of the blonde’s fingertips gliding over her abs.


    “What does it feel like I’m doing?”


    “It feels like you want to eat me for lunch instead of your actual lunch that you so delicately packed this morning.” Ashley said running her fingers over Spencer’s lips watching as the blonde sucked one into her mouth.


    “Well you are a bit tastier than my turkey sandwich…”


    “Aw that’s so sweet…someone should put that on a Hallmark card or something. I think all the girls will just melt.”


    Spencer slid her hand down to the button of Ashley’s pants and slowly began to unbutton it never taking her eyes off of the brunette’s. She bit her lip as she lowered her hand down into Ashley’s pants. Ashley began to rock against Spencer’s hand as it found the top of her center.


    Their breathing was getting heavier and heavier as Spencer pushed Ashley’s thong aside and entered her with 2 fingers. The angle made it difficult for Spencer to go too deep but she continued to thrust her fingers in and out. Sensing that Ashley was close, Spencer let her thumb make slow circles around Ashley’s clit. She quickly sped up the circles and captured Ashley’s lips as the brunette began to scream.


    Both girls rested their foreheads together as the two let their senses return. Ashley laughed lightly and brushed her hand across Spencer’s cheek. “So am I only tastier than a turkey sandwich? I mean there are so many more things that I know I am better tasting than.”


    “Ash?” Spencer said looking into Ashley’s eyes.


    “Yeah baby?”


    “You just totally ruined the moment…” Spencer said lightly slapping the brunette on the arm.


    “Oh right…the post-coital bliss. My bad…I guess you will just have to punish me later tonight huh?” Ashley said trailing her finger down the front of the blonde’s pant suit.


    “Oh yes definitely” Spencer said capturing Ashley’s lips with her own. “You know…I am still pretty hungry.”


    “Spencer! You little nympho you!” Ashley cried with a hand to her chest.


    “For food Ashley!” Spencer replied rolling her eyes. She sat back down at the table where their slightly touched lunch was waiting. She giggled as she saw Ashley stand and grasp for the desk to steady herself. “Too much for ya?”

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    1. Aww Tay…I am not one to dwell on drama…I actually like a nice story…yes there will be hiccups along the way but I want Spashley fans to be happy for a long time…so the fluffiness will continue just for you Tay… :)

    2. Aww Tay…I am not one to dwell on drama…I actually like a nice story…yes there will be hiccups along the way but I want Spashley fans to be happy for a long time…so the fluffiness will continue just for you Tay… :)

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