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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Hello Class)


    “You would love to think that wouldn’t you.” Ashley quickly responded as she took her seat next to Spencer. “So can this be like our daily lunch routine? Cause I would completely be cool with that.” She said winking at the blonde.




    Ashley made her way to the front of the classroom and saw a few students who were already settled in the front rows. As soon as she placed her briefcase down she was approached by the students who had huge smiles on their faces.


    “Ashley… I mean Ms. Davies…er…Professor Davies?” A tall brunette girl squeaked out.


    “Yes…yes…and yes. Those are all me. You can call me Ashley it’s not a problem.” Ashley said with a smile on her face.


    “Ok…Ashley…oh my god…it’s such an honor to have you teaching here. I mean when I found out that you joined the faculty here I was in complete shock. I mean no one as cool as you has ever been here let alone taught here. I’m sorry I’m babbling…I tend to do that when I’m nervous. I get nervous a lot…I…”


    “Sorry…well…you know my name…but what’s your name?”


    “Oh my god…I can’t believe I forgot to tell you my name. I’m…I’m…” The brunette stared blankly back at Ashley and her brows began to crease with confusion.


    “She’s Angela West.” A shorter blonde girl replied. She extended her hand to Ashley. “I’m Nicole Richie. And yes I take a lot of crap for my name but hey it’s not like my parents did it deliberately…or at least that’s what they tell me.”


    Ashley let out a laugh as she shook Nicole’s hand. “And this is?” Ashley asked as she glanced over to a quiet light-haired boy who was hiding behind Angela.


    “This…” Nicole pulled the boy to her side placing an arm around his shoulders. “is Michael Garner. He’s not much of a talker but he can play the guitar like no one’s business.”


    “Well it’s nice to meet each of you. I hope this class isn’t as unconventional as you are normally used to.”


    “Oh don’t worry. We had Mueller last semester and that man I swear cares more for his potted plants then he does for his students. So if it’s unconventional or conventional anything will be a great improvement.” Nicole said as more students began to enter the room.

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    1. Aww Tay…I am not one to dwell on drama…I actually like a nice story…yes there will be hiccups along the way but I want Spashley fans to be happy for a long time…so the fluffiness will continue just for you Tay… :)

    2. Aww Tay…I am not one to dwell on drama…I actually like a nice story…yes there will be hiccups along the way but I want Spashley fans to be happy for a long time…so the fluffiness will continue just for you Tay… :)

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