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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Shower time anyone?)


    “Well I guess I can pencil you in for a consultation sometime this week…” Spencer said with a smile.


    “What time is it anyway?” Ashley said looking around Spencer’s bedroom.


    Spencer looked towards her alarm clock and saw that it was 5:30 in the morning. “It’s about 5:30.”


    “Too early…Do we have to get up?” Ashley complained.


    “I would love to stay in bed with you…but…”


    “I don’t like ‘buts’…well ok I do like yours…” Ashley said kissing Spencer again.


    Spencer groaned and pushed Ashley off of her. “Come on…you have your first classes today so you have to be there. It will probably be so much fun that you won’t even want to go home tonight.”


    “That all depends…”


    “Depends on what?” Spencer looked at Ashley with a curious look.


    “It depends on if you are planning to stay over at my place tonight….so…are you?”


    Spencer tilted her head to the side as if she were in thought and bit her lower lip. “You know….I have a lot of work to do…also I have a big meeting that I need to get some stuff done for…I also have some errands to run…I just don’t know…”


    Ashley looked down and began to get off the bed. “That’s cool…I understand…I mean we can’t spend every moment together…” She started walking towards Spencer’s bathroom when she felt two arms encircle her waist from behind.


    “I can’t believe you bought that. Of course I’ll be there tonight. I want to hear all about your first day and how it went. Now…how bout a shower?” She asked the brunette kissing her earlobe.


    “Sounds perfect…I do feel a bit dirty…” Ashley said walking them into the bathroom.


    “Oh well then let’s get you all cleaned up then.”


    Spencer walked over to the shower and turned the water on to a warm spray. She went back to Ashley and lifted her t-shirt up and over her head. Reaching out to caress Ashley’s breasts she felt the brunette inhale quickly. She lowered her head and captured one nipple in her mouth while her other hand caressed the other. She then made her way down the brunette’s body trailing kisses along the way. She pulled down the boxers Ashley was wearing and stood up to capture their lips together once more.

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