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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Shower time anyone?)


    Ashley lifted Spencer’s shirt and quickly pulled down her boxers leaving the blonde completely nude. She traced the contours of Spencer’s body with her fingers and traced the blonde’s lips before kissing them. They made their way to the shower and both got in never letting their kiss break.


    Spencer did not want to wait and shoved Ashley up against the tiles of the shower wall. Ashley grunted as her back hit the cool wall but loved the way the blonde was taking control. Spencer pushed her thigh in between Ashley’s and felt the brunette slide back and forth letting a moan slip out every few thrusts.


    “I want you inside me while I am inside you…” Spencer said through her deep breaths.


    Ashley lowered her hand to Spencer’s center and quickly thrusted 3 fingers inside her causing Spencer to cry out. Spencer then removed her thigh and replaced 3 fingers deep inside the brunette. The girls began to get a rhythm going…thrusting in and out…deeper and deeper…they continued to thrust until they felt each other’s walls begin to contract.


    “Open your eyes…I want to see you…” Ashley said to the blonde. Spencer looked into her eyes and felt wave after wave of pure bliss wash over her. Ashley quickly came too as she heard her girlfriend scream. They stood there holding each other up against the shower wall until they felt the water turn cold.


    “Shit that’s cold…” Ashley yelped reaching to turn the water off. “I don’t know Spence…I still feel pretty dirty. We may need to stay in and take another shower again.” She said grabbing the blonde’s behind and squeezing.


    “Nice try. You are not getting out of this…so come on…let’s get dressed and then head over to your place…” She said getting out of the shower still feeling a bit shaky from the activities that had just taken place.


    “My place….oh then we can try this shower thing again…I mean I have this huge shower that would be so much fun…” Ashley began picturing all the things she and the blonde could do.


    Spencer shook her head and laughed. “Baby…we are only going to your place so that you can wear something that does not scream ‘Law School’ professor. I don’t think my wardrobe is really your style.”


    Ashley wrapped a towel around herself and wrapped a towel around Spencer pulling her in for a kiss. “Well we will have to change that soon…you and I will completely revamp your wardrobe…you will be the sexiest con law professor at SCU.”


    “I’m the ONLY con law professor at SCU so I don’t think that will be too hard. I think my students would die if I wore something other than a pant suit to class.”


    “So it’s settled…we will hit those stores later to make you one hot mama…ok…hotter mama…”


    Spencer walked over and pulled out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt for Ashley to wear. As Ashley got dressed, Spencer walked over to her closet and pulled out a plain black pant suit; she looked at it in her hands and sighed. Spencer put the suit on and did her hair and make up before heading out with Ashley to begin their day.

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