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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Tease)


    “Well that’s great. Usually a happy boss is a good thing because there’s less hell to pay for their employees. I should probably get going.” Sandra smiled at Ashley and stood.


    “Well thanks for stopping by…I’m sure we are going to be seeing a lot of one another. If you ever need to talk about anything or you have an idea for the program then just give me a ring or stop by.” Ashley stood and walked Sandra to the door.


    “Thanks…I may take advantage of that sooner than you probably think. Have a good afternoon.”


    “You too.” Ashley sat back down in her chair and looked out the window.




    “Hello, Ashley Davies speaking.”


    “Hey there sexy. Whatcha wearing?” Spencer whispered then burst out laughing on the other end.


    “Baby, that only works if you don’t laugh. It takes all the seductiveness out of the question. So are you ready to head out?”


    “Yeah pretty much. So do you have any thoughts about what you want to do tonight?”


    Ashley smiled widely. “Well seeing as I actually had some fun today…you get to be in charge of all the plans…think you can handle it?”


    “I guess we will just have to find out, won’t we?”


    “Oh…Spencer…I can’t wait.” Ashley noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye and spun around to find Spencer standing in her office doorway.


    “Hey there…” Ashley hung up the phone and watched as Spencer closed and locked her door.


    Spencer made her way over to where Ashley was sitting and straddled the brunette. “Why Ms. Carlin…you have me in quite a compromising position. Whatever shall I do?”


    Spencer reached for Ashley’s hand and brought it up to her lips kissing each of the brunette’s fingertips. She let Ashley’s fingertips trail down her neck to the top button of her blouse. Taking over, Ashley began to unbutton each button on Spencer’s shirt exposing the blonde’s black lace bra and toned stomach. Ashley began to trace the outline of the bra watching as Spencer inhaled sharply when her fingertips grazed the nipples that were poking through.


    Suddenly, Spencer jumped off Ashley’s lap causing the brunette to groan in frustration. “Ok time to go.” Spencer said buttoning up her shirt and making her way to the door. “Chop chop…I have a lot planned for tonight so we need to get a move on.”


    “You tease!” Ashley smiled and gathered her papers placing them in her briefcase. ‘I don’t think I’m really going to be doing any work tonight.’ She glanced over at Spencer who was leaning against the door frame biting her lower lip causing the brunette to melt inside. ‘Ok…I will be doing some work but it definitely won’t be for school!’ Ashley walked over to Spencer and placed her hand in the blonde’s. “Let’s go baby.”

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