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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Tell Me Your Secrets…)


    “I mean of course I was born….but I don’t know if my parents saw my birth as a blessing…or as a curse….” Ashley said looking at her hand in Spencer’s. “Looking back I just think of how many times my mother told me that she should never have had me. That I just had to come along and ruin a good thing…my dad never said that I was a mistake…but you know…his absence over so many years of my life pretty much sent that message loud and clear.”


    “Hey…” Spencer picked up Ashley’s chin. “If they thought you were a mistake then that was their problem. To the rest of the world and especially me, I see your coming into this world as a miracle.” Ashley smiled.


    “I don’t know if I would go as far as saying a ‘miracle.’ Maybe a happy moment in time…” Ashley said tracing her fingertips over Spencer’s palm.


    “Ok well I personally thank your mother and father for bringing you into my life…” Spencer said smiling back at Ashley.


    Ashley pulled Spencer closer to her and put her arm around the blonde’s shoulder. She kissed the top of her head and continued. “So…I guess the next biggest thing on the Ashley Davies’ timeline was when I found out I was gay. I mean I wasn’t sure what I was…I mean at that time I had the same dreams of finding a boyfriend and going to prom. When I was growing up, there was a boy that was my best friend…Aiden….He was so nice to me and he was cute. Both Madison and I, you know the girl from Ky’s stories, were actually best friends too at one point. But we hit High School and everything changed.”


    Spencer leaned her head on Ashley’s shoulder and rested her left hand on the brunette’s thigh as she wrapped her other arm around the brunette’s back.


    “Aiden started to hang out with the cool kids but was still hanging around me. I was considered cool because of who my father was but I saw how fake they were with their interest. I grew tired of it and started to just stay by myself trying not to stand out. Madison joined the cheerleading squad and quickly started to become one hell of a bitch to the other kids at school. She was still talking to me but not as much as we used to. One day before the end of our freshman year, Aiden and I were hanging out at his house and we were watching a movie…he leaned over to me, turned my head, and kissed me. I had no idea what was going on…I mean this was my best friend. I really didn’t know what to do so I kissed him back. After that day, we started ‘dating’.” Ashley picked up her wine glass taking another sip before setting it down on the stand beside her.

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    1. Well, Brandym19 brought up a very good point, I never even considered Spencer’s past. I agree with everyone else though about Ashley opening up to Spencer. It was sweet and thorough, yay! pms buddy :D

    2. Well, Brandym19 brought up a very good point, I never even considered Spencer’s past. I agree with everyone else though about Ashley opening up to Spencer. It was sweet and thorough, yay! pms buddy :D

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