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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Tell Me Your Secrets…)


    “Aiden and I weren’t talking much because I honestly didn’t care about what he wanted to say to me…when my dad had that car crash he was there for me and he and I started to hang out more…Of course I thought it was only in a friend capacity that he was being so supportive.” Ashley shook her head laughing at herself.


    “After my dad died, Ky showed up out of the blue. Madison and Aiden had broken up because she found a ‘better prospect’ and Aiden started to date Ky. I always caught him looking at me though and one day I snapped asking what his problem was. He told me he still loved me and that he knew I still loved him. I told him that I didn’t want him like that and I thought he got the message. Ky was so in love with him…then one night he was over at our house sitting on the couch with me waiting for Ky to come down for their date. He pulled me to him and tried to kiss me. I pushed him off and told him that he was an asshole who didn’t deserve my sister. He got up and tried to kiss me again so I kneed him in between his legs telling him that I wanted him out of my life as well as my sisters. Ky had seen him try to kiss me but I didn’t know this until a year or two later. She rarely mentioned Aiden’s name over the next year and we avoided any contact he sent us. Eventually, he moved on and went off to some college out east for basketball.” Ashley became quiet; she knew that she would have to tell Spencer more about her past with Aiden but didn’t say a word.


    “Ash…” Spencer asked quietly.




    “I don’t want to push you or anything but what Kyla said earlier…about…” Spencer said hesitantly.


    “About the baby…” Ashley said taking a deep breath.


    “Yeah…do you want to talk about it?” Spencer said hoping that she wasn’t pushing the girl.


    “Not really. But you deserve to know everything.” Ashley said kissing the top of Spencer’s forehead.


    “When Aiden and I were dating, we really didn’t do anything in the beginning. After one of his basketball games, we were alone in his house and he asked me if I wanted him to be my first. I thought it would be great but it was over before it even began. We tried a few more times but he could tell I wasn’t really into it so we decided to cool it down. A few weeks after we stopped, I noticed how I was getting sick in the mornings and how I was feeling dizzy throughout school. I told Aiden I wasn’t feeling well so he asked me to go see a doctor. He went with me and I found out that I was…”Ashley sighed. “I was pregnant.” Spencer squeezed Ashley’s body letting her know that it was ok to continue.


    “Aiden freaked at first but then he started telling me all his plans about how we were going to get married and that he would support me with the money he would make from his basketball career. I had to tell my mom to see what I should do. She told me that I was a stupid girl who would have to deal with my own problems and to leave her out of it. I was happy that I was pregnant because for once in my life I could have someone who loved me unconditionally. I would have been a good mother…” Ashley started to cry. “I just wish I would have been able to have that chance.”


    Spencer took Ashley in her arms whispering, “It’s ok Ash. You can tell me what happened. Shhh…”


    “I…lost…the…baby.” Ashley said through her sobs. “I woke up one day and saw my sheets covered in…blood…and I called Aiden to take me to the hospital and they told me…that the baby…oh god…”Ashley continued to cry and Spencer held her tighter.


    “I’m so sorry Ash…I’m so sorry.”


    Spencer walked the sobbing brunette to her bedroom and laid her on her bed. She went to her drawers and found a pair of boxers and a t-shirt for Ashley to wear. She went back to the brunette who was still crying and helped her undress to put on the pajamas. After Ashley was in the clothes, Spencer changed and laid behind the girl wrapping her arms around her. She let Ashley cry out all the pain and held her until she felt the brunette fall asleep in her arms.


    “I’m so sorry Ash…” Spencer said kissing Ashley’s cheek. “I should never have pushed you…” She kissed the girl again and whispered in her ear. “Just remember baby…That I love you….unconditionally…I love you….and that’s forever.” Spencer kissed Ashley again before falling asleep still embracing the brunette hoping that she could help in some way to make up for all the pain Ashley had endured over her life.


    I love you too, Spencer…Forever.” Ashley whispered in her sleep.

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    1. Well, Brandym19 brought up a very good point, I never even considered Spencer’s past. I agree with everyone else though about Ashley opening up to Spencer. It was sweet and thorough, yay! pms buddy :D

    2. Well, Brandym19 brought up a very good point, I never even considered Spencer’s past. I agree with everyone else though about Ashley opening up to Spencer. It was sweet and thorough, yay! pms buddy :D

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