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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Back to yours?)

    “Well, you’ve matured well,” she said sincerely.

    I gulped.  This is ridiculous!  I am never the one who’s blushes – I always give the compliments!  I couldn’t believe how I was responding to her, how I was suddenly back in the shoes of the nineteen year old that I was, blushing under her compliments and touches.  All of the innocent naivety seemed to be flooding back in; the years I’d spent playing the field – many, many fields – all being forgotten as I felt like a virtual virgin again.  How does she do this to me?!

    “It’s a shame you don’t perform any more though,” she frowned.

    God, I’d ‘perform’ for you.  I quickly cursed myself and retrieved my mind from the gutter.

    “Yeah – I miss it sometimes,” I nodded slowly, trying to think of a polite way to remove my hand from where it lay, held gently between the two of hers.  I didn’t want to offend her, but the way my body was responding to even the most innocent ways she touched me was telling me I needed to cool off.

    “So why don’t you start up again?” she enquired, looking slightly put out as I freed my hand to pour myself more wine.  Maybe drinking more was unwise, but at least it got me away from her for a while.

    “I don’t know,” I sighed,  returning my hand to the table but ensuring to keep it just out of her reach,  “I thought about it, but something kept holding me back.”

    “Which was…?” she raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

    “A lack of encouragement, maybe… and a lack of time,”  I lied, knowing it was more due to a lack of the will to do anything that would remind me of Spencer.  The last gig I could remember performing in had been when we were together; when I had been happy… every single one subsequent to that had been when I was off my face on fuck knows what and I’d no doubt been dealing to half the pill-heads in the crowd.  After I’d cleaned up I didn’t perform any more.  I didn’t tell Spence that, though.

    “C’mon, you’re telling me you don’t have one free night a week to go show off at an open mic night, or something?” she probed.


    1. ohh my god. AMAZING as always. i cant wait to see what happens next. bannerman you are a saint! i told one of my friends about this story. and she started reading it and she hasnt been able to stop! she loves it juuust as much as i do!

    2. Nice update. I love how Ashley has barely any control over herself. It’s so freaking hilarious. I was in her position once, actually. We all have prolly been there once or twice before. Way to make it relate back to the reader B-mannn. :] Love it. Update soon please.

    3. ohh my god. AMAZING as always. i cant wait to see what happens next. bannerman you are a saint! i told one of my friends about this story. and she started reading it and she hasnt been able to stop! she loves it juuust as much as i do!

    4. Nice update. I love how Ashley has barely any control over herself. It’s so freaking hilarious. I was in her position once, actually. We all have prolly been there once or twice before. Way to make it relate back to the reader B-mannn. :] Love it. Update soon please.

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