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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Back to yours?)

    Actually I have seven.

    “What can I say?  I’m a busy lady!” I laughed, lunging for my wine glass.

    “I don’t believe you,” she giggled.  Spencer rarely giggled… must be the alcohol.  “But… I’ll let it slide – on one condition.”

    “What would that be?” I asked, leaning toward her conspiratorially.  It seemed I couldn’t help but flirt with her, even when my brain was screaming at me not to.
    “You sing for me sometime,” she said, lowering her voice, “like you used to.”

    “I dunno, Spence,” I frowned, leaning back in my seat as I felt a wave of seriousness wash over me.  Oh!  There’s that bitterness, creeping it’s way in again.

    “C’mon, it’s just a bit of fun,” she insisted.

    “I’ll think about it,” I lied.

    “Oh c’mon,” she whined, “with you that always means no!”

    “I’ll think about it,” I smirked, earning a pout in response.  “Oh, now don’t do that.”

    She pouted some more.

    “Spence!  Pack it in!” I laughed despite myself.

    “Uh uh, you keep saying no, I’ll keep pouting,” she said petulantly.

    “Okay, fine, keep pouting,” I sighed, my hands raised in defeat.  “I’m sure it’ll soon start to hurt your face.”

    The pout was just turning into her sticking her tongue out at me when Guy ambled over with our desserts.  A Zabaglione for me and an enormous slice of chocolate fudge cake for Spence.  Is there enough ice cream and fudge sauce left to make any more of those?!

    “Oh wow,” she squealed, her eyes widening as she took in the sheer size of the serving in front of her.

    “That looks so good,” I conceded, looking at mine slightly disappointedly as I eyed hers.  “You reckon you’re gonna manage all that by yourself?”

    “I know what you’re suggesting, Ms Davies,” she winked, slowly picking up her spoon and moving it over her dessert to taunt me.  “You wanna try some?”

    “After you,” I winked, “I insist.”

    She slowly plunged her spoon into the thick slice and carefully brought it up to her lips, which parted ever so slightly before engulfing the whole thing.  Is it hot in here?

    “Oh!  It tastes better than it looks,” she cried, licking her chocolatey lips, a broad grin spreading across her features.


    1. ohh my god. AMAZING as always. i cant wait to see what happens next. bannerman you are a saint! i told one of my friends about this story. and she started reading it and she hasnt been able to stop! she loves it juuust as much as i do!

    2. Nice update. I love how Ashley has barely any control over herself. It’s so freaking hilarious. I was in her position once, actually. We all have prolly been there once or twice before. Way to make it relate back to the reader B-mannn. :] Love it. Update soon please.

    3. ohh my god. AMAZING as always. i cant wait to see what happens next. bannerman you are a saint! i told one of my friends about this story. and she started reading it and she hasnt been able to stop! she loves it juuust as much as i do!

    4. Nice update. I love how Ashley has barely any control over herself. It’s so freaking hilarious. I was in her position once, actually. We all have prolly been there once or twice before. Way to make it relate back to the reader B-mannn. :] Love it. Update soon please.

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