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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Dazed and Confused)

    Spencer had just placed a gentle kiss on my cheek and was lowering her mouth to mine when I pulled back, away from her.

    “Wait,” I sighed.

    “What?” she asked, her voice a breathy whisper.  She leaned towards me again, her lips searching for mine.  I quickly pressed a finger to them, halting her progress.

    “I want to do this right,” I told her.  “I think we should wait a while before we do this again.”

    She nodded, looking disappointed, but she knew I was right.  Placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, she pulled away.

    It wasn’t long before she’d booked her cab and had left, taking my apartment’s warmth with her and leaving behind the awkward tension we had created between us.  It was just as I was settling back to look at how my new fish was faring in its new home, when my eyes fell on the card Spencer had brought round with her before our date.  After retrieving it and ensuring I was sitting comfortably, I carefully tore open the envelope.  Inside was a beautifully designed card which had obviously been made by Spencer herself, specifically for me.  I grinned as I looked down at the stylized Golden Butterfly fish that adorned the front, before gently thumbing the card open.


    Happy Birthday, love.  I wish I’d been there for every birthday you’ve celebrated over the last five years, but unfortunately it wasn’t possible.  I just want you to know that I wish things had turned out differently, that I could call you my Ashley – my love – and that I wish I’d never left you that day.  I’ll never forget what I did to you, and I’ll never forgive myself for it either, but I hope that one day you’ll be able to forgive me.  I want you to know that I loved you then, and I love you now, and that nothing and no one will ever change that.  I hope you enjoyed our date as much as I know I will,
    your Spencer -x-”

    I smiled to myself and hugged the card to my chest, as if trying to absorb the words through my clothes, through my skin, and into my blood stream, direct straight into my heart.  I reached for my phone that sat opposite me atop the coffee table, and opened a new message… to: Spencer.

    “Thank you for an amazing evening.  Can’t wait to see you again.  your Ashley xx”

    Her response was quick to come, and made going to bed that much easier than usual.  I knew that sleeping – especially dreaming – would be so much sweeter with her words in my head.

    “I love you. xxx”

    Now all I have to do is last the week.


    1. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    2. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    3. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    4. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    5. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    6. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    7. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    8. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    9. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

    10. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

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