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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Dazed and Confused)

    “Just, relaxing with you, spending time with you…” she trailed off as our eyes met, “you know…”

    “Yeah,” I smiled, “I do.”

    “It’s amazing how much impact someone can have on your life in such a short amount of time,” she sighed, studying my features as she said it.  I smiled, knowing exactly what she meant.  Her gaze flickered to the smile that graced my lips for a second, its focus soon returning to my eyes.

    “I know what you mean,” I said softly, leaning towards her slightly as I tried to ease the way my body was tensing due to being in such close proximity to hers.  I wasn’t drunk, but I knew I was feeling a little bold when my head suddenly found her shoulder and rested comfortably upon it.

    “Can I ask you something?” she said after a moment’s silence.  I could feel the bass of her voice resonating through her body, slowly rumbling against my temple.  It was relaxing.

    “You just did, but sure… go ahead,” I joked.

    “Are you, like… completely gay now?” she asked slowly, carefully choosing her words.  I laughed at how uncomfortable she was in speaking them.  Anyone else would just have asked if I was gay, but she had to find a strangely endearing way of doing it.  I couldn’t help but pick up the hopeful tone in her voice, and how her pulse quickened slightly as I began to reply.

    “I always have been,” I stated casually, “I just didn’t realise it ‘til you came along.”

    She blushed as she looked down at me, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.  She looked relieved, for no obvious reason, and I was blushing myself as soon as I felt her hand find mine and her fingers thread themselves between my own.  We sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the innocently intimate connection we shared.  She squeezed my hand a little, and I returned the favour, watching as her cheeks flushed.

    I necked the remainder of my drink, and with my free hand, I leant forward to place my empty tumbler on the coffee table that for some peculiar twist of fate, happened to be just out of my reach. I soon found Spencer reaching out to place it there for me, suddenly putting us face to face, and my breath hitched in my throat when it dawned on me just how close we were to each other.  I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as Spencer brought her free hand up to tuck a strand of curly hair behind my ear, out of the way of my eyes.  We stared at each other for a moment, until she found something to look at that broke our intense gaze.


    1. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    2. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    3. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    4. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    5. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    6. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    7. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    8. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    9. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

    10. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

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