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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Dazed and Confused)

    “Ash, I -” she began, leaning back slightly.

    “Shh,” I interrupted.  “You talk way too much.”

    “Yeah?” she challenged, her eyes brightening and a cheeky smile forming as she looked back at me.
    “Mhmm,” I nodded.

    I didn’t know what came over me, but suddenly the gap between us shrunk to the point that we were so close, I could feel her warm breath on my lips.  I looked into her eyes one last time, as if to seek permission, and before I could even register her expression, she was pressing her lips so quickly on my own that all oxygen was forced from my lungs.  My eyes fluttered closed as my mind finally caught up with what was going on, and before I knew what had come over us, I was kissing her back.  I’m kissing her… oh my God, I’m actually KISSING HER!

    My head swam with intangible thoughts as my nervous system went into overdrive.  My will to stop proceedings was being slowly quashed by the burning desire that was ready to erupt from deep within me, and I could feel every nerve ending as though amplified to superhuman proportions; my whole body buzzing at her skin’s contact with mine as her delicate, beautiful lips pecked at mine as though it was the first time we’d done such a thing.  My hand snaked up into her hair, pulling her closer to me as I grew fed up of the shy, teasing kisses.  I couldn’t hold back any longer, and surprised even myself when I pushed her back onto the sofa, pinning her down with my weight supported by one knee and one hand.  Her lips parted, allowing me more access, and I sighed into the open space before sweeping my tongue over hers.  God, she tastes amazing.  She groaned slightly, almost too quietly to hear, and reached up to pull my body firmly down on top of hers.  I smiled into the kiss, feeling an enormous surge of pleasure as her hips jerked slightly when I pressed mine into her.  She still reacted so automatically to my touch, almost as though she was innately programmed to respond in exactly that way as soon as I even suggested something rather more intimate.

    Her hands were clawing at my top, soon halting their progression as I pressed a thigh up between her legs, forcing a loud sigh to flow from her lips that palpably changes the atmosphere around us.  It felt as if someone turned up the thermostat as our kisses grew even more intense, her tongue taking dominance over mine, gently stroking its tip before plunging past my lips to tickle my palate.  I soon broke our embrace, in favour of oxygen, only to drop my head down to her neck to kiss the length of an exposed collar bone, before licking my way up to her jaw line.  I placed light, butterfly kisses along her jaw until I reached her chin and finally her lips again.  I nibbled slightly at her lower one, pulling it away from her mouth before letting it go to settle back against her teeth.  Meeting her darkened eyes, I smiled down at her as one of her legs twisted up and around my waist, bringing our lower bodies in much tighter contact.  She rocked slightly, and I soon picked up the pace.  Nothing like snuggling with enthusiasm!


    1. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    2. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    3. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    4. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    5. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    6. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    7. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    8. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    9. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

    10. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

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