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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Golden Butterfly)

    “You look amazing,” she told me as she stepped over the threshold towards where I stood, still gaping at her.  If Fred the Fish hadn’t been dead, I was sure he’d have been impressed with my impression of him – my jaw had dropped so far I was surprised my open mouth wasn’t catching flies.  “Happy Birthday.”

    Happy Birthday indeed.

    “You… wow,” was all I managed before my cheeks flushed and I had to look away.

    “I bought you something,” she said calmly, bringing her hands from around her back and attracting my attention with their contents.  In them she held a card, and a beautiful Golden Butterfly fish that was peacefully hovering in a large bag of water.

    “Holy shit, Spence, these are like a hundred dollars,” I cried, carefully taking the bag from her hands.  “I can’t accept this.”

    “No, you must,” she beamed in response to the way my face lit up.  “Besides, I haven’t got anywhere to put it if you give it back to me.  And you said you’d had no cards and your fish had died, so I sought to fix it!”

    “This is amazing,” I grinned, “thank you, so much.”

    I tentatively leant forward to gently kiss her cheek and then hightailed over to my fish tank before my cheeks combusted before our eyes.  I could still feel how soft her skin was on my lips as I carefully lifted the lid off the tank and deposited my new fish in with the others.  I’d already got a couple of Golden Butterflies, so knew it’d settle in perfectly.  I was contentedly watching it swim around as I felt Spencer approach me and stand by my side, the backs of our hands lightly touching, electricity running up and down the full length of my arm.

    “He looks happy,” she smiled.

    “He does,” I agreed.

    “What you gonna call him?” she asked, finding my eyes with hers and looking into them so intensely I thought her sight would be forever burned into my retinas.

    “Spencer,” I told her, her name flowing pleasantly from my tongue.

    “As a name for a fish?” she frowned.

    “It’s better than Fred,” I stated.

    “Your last fish was called Fred?” she asked flatly.

    “Yes… so?” I challenged.


    1. Even MORE embarassing: The rest of my post got lost somehow, urgh! I guess I’m not allowed to use the return key. Haha, live and learn! Anyway, as I typed previously, (but didn’t get sent through), your story is the first I’ve commented on, despite reading everything that pops up here, haha. So, uh, be proud? Regardless, it’s amazing how you can write such a short scene in so many words. I tend to lack that ability, despite all the bloviation I put my poor posts through. Anyway, I just love how you interpret the characters, and I adore the storyline and plot, the idea is lovely and make me squal with delight at the thought of it…and, I must say, your writing style is to die for. I seriously need to come up to your level, both in terms of writing ability AND update frequency! But, well, seriously, this is an amazing story. I don’t think I have to ask you to update again soon; you’re quite excellent about that on your own!

    2. Amazing update. I really like the plot of this story. I’m glad Ash and Spence are having civilized conversation (aside from Ashley’s comments) and on a ‘date’. This is an interesting story PMS.

    3. Even MORE embarassing: The rest of my post got lost somehow, urgh! I guess I’m not allowed to use the return key. Haha, live and learn! Anyway, as I typed previously, (but didn’t get sent through), your story is the first I’ve commented on, despite reading everything that pops up here, haha. So, uh, be proud? Regardless, it’s amazing how you can write such a short scene in so many words. I tend to lack that ability, despite all the bloviation I put my poor posts through. Anyway, I just love how you interpret the characters, and I adore the storyline and plot, the idea is lovely and make me squal with delight at the thought of it…and, I must say, your writing style is to die for. I seriously need to come up to your level, both in terms of writing ability AND update frequency! But, well, seriously, this is an amazing story. I don’t think I have to ask you to update again soon; you’re quite excellent about that on your own!

    4. Amazing update. I really like the plot of this story. I’m glad Ash and Spence are having civilized conversation (aside from Ashley’s comments) and on a ‘date’. This is an interesting story PMS.

    5. hey isn’t ash suppose to ask about why spencer suddenly left and her supposed gf??? they need to get the talk going on before they can really move on. ooo this fic is way too addictive so keep on posting mate!!

    6. hey isn’t ash suppose to ask about why spencer suddenly left and her supposed gf??? they need to get the talk going on before they can really move on. ooo this fic is way too addictive so keep on posting mate!!

    7. this was great!!! i’m so happy that they are finally having this conversation and are going to move on…for some birthday love??? hope so. can’t wait to read more! please post more soon!

    8. this was great!!! i’m so happy that they are finally having this conversation and are going to move on…for some birthday love??? hope so. can’t wait to read more! please post more soon!

    9. gettin crunk wit it! gettin loose wit it! haha…i’m thinkin that they’re gonna get totally trashed and ashley lets the beans slip about PNG, they get into a big fight..and ashley goes home, reads the card…and it says i want us to try again…or something of the sort. amazing as always bannermaaaan

    10. gettin crunk wit it! gettin loose wit it! haha…i’m thinkin that they’re gonna get totally trashed and ashley lets the beans slip about PNG, they get into a big fight..and ashley goes home, reads the card…and it says i want us to try again…or something of the sort. amazing as always bannermaaaan

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