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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Golden Butterfly)

    “Wow,” she exhaled, reaching for her wine.

    “Yeah… the brief but eventful history of Ashley Davies,” I laughed.  It was weird that the darkest times of my life held no power over me any more, in fact, they paled into insignificance when I considered the pain I still felt over what happened with Spencer.  The shit I’d gone through had put me where I was, but it hadn’t broken me.  Spencer had broken me, though.

    “You should write a book,” Spencer winked.

    “I considered it… then realised I couldn’t write for shit,” I laughed.  “I have problems composing emails, so a book is definitely out of the question.”

    “I can imagine,” she grinned.

    We shared a comfortable silence, just watching each other exist for a few moments until I felt the pressure was on me to start a conversation again.

    “So what about you?” I finally mustered.

    “What about me?” she asked calmly, contentedly.

    “What have you been doing for the last few years, before you came to DJC?”  I watched her intently, knowing I would hang off her every word.  For years I’d wondered where she was, what she was doing, and I was finally going to find out, however much I’d denied any feelings I’d had for her for all that time.

    “Well,” she smiled, “I finished my degree, moved here – I figured there’d be more going on in New York than back home, and I wanted to get away from LA -”

    “Amazing how we both ended up here – in the same city,”  I interrupted.  We’d been in the same city for four years!  Spencer had been walking the streets of New York for as long as I’d been at DJC, and I’d had no idea.

    “Yeah – maybe it’s fate,” she suggested, raising an eyebrow.

    “Maybe,” I conceded.  We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before either one of us spoke again.

    “So,” she spoke up after our loaded silence had become too heavy to bear, “I got a few lame jobs doing generic web design stuff – through your dad I got a few contacts… moved from place to place for a bit as a freelance.  I didn’t really see myself getting anywhere with it though, so I got a job at a place that looked quite promising – turned out they were pretty much bankrupt and just using my expertise to turn the company around, so I got paid practically nothing and left… then I saw an opening at DJC and went for it.”

    “Sounds like a tough time,” I empathised, pouring us another glass of wine each.

    “It was pretty rough for a while,” she agreed, “but it’s all good now.”

    I nodded and we took a mutual sip of our wine.  I felt hungry but knew our food would be a while yet, so I decided to broach a new subject.

    “So… what about relationships?” I asked tentatively, perhaps even masochistically.

    “Erm, after you, I put my love life on the back burner, really,” she frowned uncomfortably.  “I kinda put work first for a while.”

    “I know what you mean,” I nodded, understanding completely.  Relationships were an impossibility for me after Spencer so abruptly left my life.  I was pleased to hear it’d affected her similarly, though.

    “What about you, and love?” she enquired, trying to sound like it was a casual question, the answer to which being fairly unimportant in the scheme of things.  I could feel how important it was, though, by the way in which her hand shook slightly as it held mine.  She quickly retrieved it from my grip, and placed it under the table, out of view.

    “To be honest, I never really found it,” I admitted.  “I had too much going on… I couldn’t look after myself let alone anyone else, so I sorta closed myself off from it all.”

    “And now?” she asked, hopefully.

    “Now, I think I’m finally getting over it,” I told her ambiguously.  I could tell my response had confused her somewhat, as she didn’t know whether to look hurt or elated.  I knew what I meant, though.  I was getting over the past and totally ready for a relationship, or rather to attempt one… but only with Spencer.

    “That’s good, I guess,” she said carefully.

    “Yeah,” I agreed, looking down to where our hands were once conjoined upon the table.

    I didn’t notice that our bottle of wine was empty until our waiter made the wise decision to come over to us at that precise, most opportune moment.

    “More wine?” he asked, a bottle already in his hand as if he’d been listening to our conversation and knew we wouldn’t refuse.

    “Please!”  we both said simultaneously.


    1. Even MORE embarassing: The rest of my post got lost somehow, urgh! I guess I’m not allowed to use the return key. Haha, live and learn! Anyway, as I typed previously, (but didn’t get sent through), your story is the first I’ve commented on, despite reading everything that pops up here, haha. So, uh, be proud? Regardless, it’s amazing how you can write such a short scene in so many words. I tend to lack that ability, despite all the bloviation I put my poor posts through. Anyway, I just love how you interpret the characters, and I adore the storyline and plot, the idea is lovely and make me squal with delight at the thought of it…and, I must say, your writing style is to die for. I seriously need to come up to your level, both in terms of writing ability AND update frequency! But, well, seriously, this is an amazing story. I don’t think I have to ask you to update again soon; you’re quite excellent about that on your own!

    2. Amazing update. I really like the plot of this story. I’m glad Ash and Spence are having civilized conversation (aside from Ashley’s comments) and on a ‘date’. This is an interesting story PMS.

    3. Even MORE embarassing: The rest of my post got lost somehow, urgh! I guess I’m not allowed to use the return key. Haha, live and learn! Anyway, as I typed previously, (but didn’t get sent through), your story is the first I’ve commented on, despite reading everything that pops up here, haha. So, uh, be proud? Regardless, it’s amazing how you can write such a short scene in so many words. I tend to lack that ability, despite all the bloviation I put my poor posts through. Anyway, I just love how you interpret the characters, and I adore the storyline and plot, the idea is lovely and make me squal with delight at the thought of it…and, I must say, your writing style is to die for. I seriously need to come up to your level, both in terms of writing ability AND update frequency! But, well, seriously, this is an amazing story. I don’t think I have to ask you to update again soon; you’re quite excellent about that on your own!

    4. Amazing update. I really like the plot of this story. I’m glad Ash and Spence are having civilized conversation (aside from Ashley’s comments) and on a ‘date’. This is an interesting story PMS.

    5. hey isn’t ash suppose to ask about why spencer suddenly left and her supposed gf??? they need to get the talk going on before they can really move on. ooo this fic is way too addictive so keep on posting mate!!

    6. hey isn’t ash suppose to ask about why spencer suddenly left and her supposed gf??? they need to get the talk going on before they can really move on. ooo this fic is way too addictive so keep on posting mate!!

    7. this was great!!! i’m so happy that they are finally having this conversation and are going to move on…for some birthday love??? hope so. can’t wait to read more! please post more soon!

    8. this was great!!! i’m so happy that they are finally having this conversation and are going to move on…for some birthday love??? hope so. can’t wait to read more! please post more soon!

    9. gettin crunk wit it! gettin loose wit it! haha…i’m thinkin that they’re gonna get totally trashed and ashley lets the beans slip about PNG, they get into a big fight..and ashley goes home, reads the card…and it says i want us to try again…or something of the sort. amazing as always bannermaaaan

    10. gettin crunk wit it! gettin loose wit it! haha…i’m thinkin that they’re gonna get totally trashed and ashley lets the beans slip about PNG, they get into a big fight..and ashley goes home, reads the card…and it says i want us to try again…or something of the sort. amazing as always bannermaaaan

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