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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Remove the competition)

    “You can’t do this,” she stuttered.

    “Yes I can,” I insisted.  “No company would take you on if your duplicity got out – not even Haines and Welling, despite the little mole job they’ve had you doing – cos no one will trust you again.  Plus… if any of it got leaked you’d have the biggest lawsuit on your hands that you could ever imagine; I can’t see H&W standing for their reputation being completely ruined by the likes of youand they have better lawyers than you could ever afford, so you’d lose despite it being true that they employed you to do it… oh, and DJC would definitely destroy you.  If I were you, I’d leave before I tell anyone.”

    “How do I know that you’ll keep your word?” she asked.

    Idiot!  I was amazed by how easy it was to bluff my way through this.  Fact is, not only would she and H&W be destroyed if their involvement with each other came to the public’s attention, but also, if it came to court she’d surely mention PNG, and so would ruin DJC and all of us involved as well.  If she had any intelligence whatsoever she’d know that it did not serve my best interests to tell anyone about her stealing our ideas and giving them to Haines and Welling.  Fortunately she didn’t have a brain.  It was amazing the lengths you go to for love, but hell, I’d do it over and over.  It was all just working out too well, and I loved it.  Carrie would be gone and I’d have Spencer… I couldn’t think of anything better.

    “If you leave, I’ll keep my word… and that’s a promise,” I said truthfully.

    “But what about my notice?” she asked, causing me to cheer a little inside.  She was actually considering it.  Ha!

    “I’m sure I can help you with that,” I said earnestly.  “I’ll tell Julian you had a family emergency on the other side of the country, or something… hey, you could even write your letter of resignation right now!”

    As if to mock her, I  leant over and booted up her computer for her.  She looked at me – her eyes filled with so much hate that I had to try not to smile in response to – and motioned for me to get out of her chair.  She sat down heavily and logged in, quickly opening up ‘Word’ and starting with the company’s address.  I grinned and watched over her shoulder as the words appeared on the page, as if by magic.  She said she was sorry, but had to leave due to unforeseen circumstances, that she was sorry she couldn’t give her full notice, or a proper reason, but that she’d be in touch at some point in the future to explain.  As I watched her words, my heart fell, and a familiar nauseousness began to creep up on me that left me feeling colder and sicker than I thought possible.  Her words were just too familiar, being just like those that Spencer had used in the note she’d left beside me on the pillow, all those years before.  It made my head spin, and I fought the urge to be sick right there and then, despite the thought of it going all over Carrie amusing me.  What did it mean?  Was Spencer blackmailed into leaving me… was that it?


    1. she got away with it….for now. but everything has a way of catching up with us. its only a matter of time. ha i sound like spashley hater, im not i swear. i was just saying haha. anyways brilliant, as you always are. cant wait for another update :]

    2. Erm…crap. That sounded like one of those “perfect plans” that always end up backfiring. So I predict: Spencer finds out somehow, there’s a ton of drama like always, then there’s some forgiving going on even though spencer won’t want to, annd then they’ll end up together. But that’s just how things always go. Maybe you’ll come up with something more interesting.

    3. I don’t know. That was almost too easy. Maybe Ashley just needs to come clean to Spencer about her feelings and the bet? Great update, PMS!

    4. i love this story…Can’t wait till they are together….i hope Ashley tells Spencer about the PNG and Spenecr forgives her then they can be together….

    5. Oh thank goodness Carrie doesn’t have a brain. I just hope that she doesn’t somehow magically grow one…the “ah well” she sighed out at end sounded slightly ominous. Maybe I’m just being paranoid? Either way, loved the post.

    6. she got away with it….for now. but everything has a way of catching up with us. its only a matter of time. ha i sound like spashley hater, im not i swear. i was just saying haha. anyways brilliant, as you always are. cant wait for another update :]

    7. Erm…crap. That sounded like one of those “perfect plans” that always end up backfiring. So I predict: Spencer finds out somehow, there’s a ton of drama like always, then there’s some forgiving going on even though spencer won’t want to, annd then they’ll end up together. But that’s just how things always go. Maybe you’ll come up with something more interesting.

    8. I don’t know. That was almost too easy. Maybe Ashley just needs to come clean to Spencer about her feelings and the bet? Great update, PMS!

    9. i love this story…Can’t wait till they are together….i hope Ashley tells Spencer about the PNG and Spenecr forgives her then they can be together….

    10. Oh thank goodness Carrie doesn’t have a brain. I just hope that she doesn’t somehow magically grow one…the “ah well” she sighed out at end sounded slightly ominous. Maybe I’m just being paranoid? Either way, loved the post.

    11. I’m the 1st to comment? Wow. That’s cool. I think lots of other people should comment as well, even thoughg they didn’t get the honor of being first like I did. Heh :]

    12. I’m the 1st to comment? Wow. That’s cool. I think lots of other people should comment as well, even thoughg they didn’t get the honor of being first like I did. Heh :]

    13. Fucking great dude. You blow me away. And FIANLLY Carrie has been smushed like the low-life she is. I knew that girl was no good from the very beginning. Nicely done. PMS please. :] Please? I’ll be your best friendddd!

    14. Fucking great dude. You blow me away. And FIANLLY Carrie has been smushed like the low-life she is. I knew that girl was no good from the very beginning. Nicely done. PMS please. :] Please? I’ll be your best friendddd!

    15. “I’d really gotten away with it.” Boy, Ash is pretty clever….I just hope things work well and don’t end up blowing apart. Anyways, that was a great chapter and loving how Carrie is getting the boot. PMS!

    16. “I’d really gotten away with it.” Boy, Ash is pretty clever….I just hope things work well and don’t end up blowing apart. Anyways, that was a great chapter and loving how Carrie is getting the boot. PMS!

    17. OMG! Go Ashley Go! I loved how she just scared Carrie into resigning on the spot. I hate that it sounded like Spencer was really interested in Carrie. But time will tell… But for the meantime, go Ashley! Love your story! PMS!

    18. OMG! Go Ashley Go! I loved how she just scared Carrie into resigning on the spot. I hate that it sounded like Spencer was really interested in Carrie. But time will tell… But for the meantime, go Ashley! Love your story! PMS!

    19. i commented elsewhere but I thought, just for the love of you, I’d… *deep breath*……… *Runs through this thread in revealing lingerie too*…. WHEEEEEE

    20. i commented elsewhere but I thought, just for the love of you, I’d… *deep breath*……… *Runs through this thread in revealing lingerie too*…. WHEEEEEE

    21. careful Clom, you’re gonna earn yourself a reputaion! And I should know – the title of being ‘easy’ is one I wear with pride, however I don’t think it suits YOU! big love, you exhibitionist, you! Jx

    22. careful Clom, you’re gonna earn yourself a reputaion! And I should know – the title of being ‘easy’ is one I wear with pride, however I don’t think it suits YOU! big love, you exhibitionist, you! Jx

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