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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: RIP Fred)

    “Happy birthday, Ashley,” she finally said, once the singing had subsided.

    “Didn’t I once tell you you should never sing, like, ever?” I laughed, taking a seat on my messy bed.

    “Yes,” she admitted, “you told me repeatedly.  You were always the one we could rely on to sing beautifully -”

    “And you were always the one we could rely on to ruin it when you tried to join in the chorus,” I reminded her.

    “Ahh, good times,” she said warmly.  I could feel her smiling on the other end and it made me blush even more.  It was the first time we’d mentioned the past without things turning ugly or awkward… we’d even smiled about it!  “So how’s your day been so far then, old lady?”

    “Oi!  don’t ‘old lady’ me – you’re older than I am,” I laughed.

    “And those couple of months make me oh so much wiser,” she said condescendingly.  “But seriously, how’re you finding the big two-five?”

    “It sucks – I’ve had no cards, no messages, and my favourite fish died,” I pouted.

    “Awww,” she laughed.  “We’ll just have to make up for it tonight, then.”

    I fell silent, knowing she didn’t mean it to sound how it came out, but still… awkward much?!

    “Yeah,” I finally managed, rolling my eyes at myself and lying back on my bed; my twisted sheets providing an uncomfortable haven for me.

    “Make sure you’re ready by half seven, okay?” she asked me.  “I’m gonna come pick you up.”

    “Half seven?!” I cried.  “That’s positively early!”

    “I know you have difficulties getting out of the house of an evening any earlier than about ten, but still… tonight is my treat to you and I want it to be special,” she said sensibly.

    “Okay, half seven it is,” I sighed.  “So… do I need to wear anything specific for our date?  I mean, since I don’t know what we’re doing, I -”

    “Nice try, but I’m still not telling you,” she laughed.

    “Not fair,” I mumbled.

    “Shush, or I’ll stand you up,” she laughed.

    I tensed up a bit, knowing that it was going to take some time before we got over the past completely.  There were still many unresolved issues between us, and whilst my own particular issues with abandonment were still ever present, it seemed that any new relationship or friendship was doomed from the start… especially where Spencer was concerned.  But I vowed to get over myself, and that morning had been a wake up call.  I was 25, with no real friends, no girlfriend, no family I could rely on, and I guessed it spoke volumes about myself rather than the people around me.  I just wasn’t a people person, and not naturally very easy to get on with… which was why my friendship with Spencer had been so special.  We had clicked as soon as we had met whilst working at Track One, and that natural and immediate connection was something I rarely, if ever, felt.  It was something I had to preserve, no matter how awkward it sometimes became.

    “You best not stand me up,” I laughed, trying my hardest to make my amusement sound natural.

    “I won’t, so long as you promise to be ready and gorgeous when I get to yours,” she said, apparently unaware of my unease.  Thank fuck for that.

    “I may not be completely ready, but I will definitely be gorgeous,” I winked, despite her not being able to see me.

    “Good,” she said conclusively, “that’s settled then.  I’ll see you later.”

    “Bye Spence,” I smiled.

    “Bubye,” she said in that cute way she said it that made her sound like a kid.

    The line clicked dead and I slid my phone shut, smiling to myself.  Maybe everything would be alright after all… in fact, it will be all right… I’ll make sure of it.

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    1. dedicated to me?! oh bannerman you shouldnt have, im blushing! god damn it Fred! he couldn’t have just decided to die tomm could he!? I loved the update, short or not it rocked. uncomfortable Spashley is adorable. dont let things fall to pieces just yet!

    2. Oh yeah. Another great update. And I’m sorry for Fred. I’m sure he lived a great life. And hopefully Ashley removed him before the other fish, were in fact, traumitized. The whole Spashley thing is quite, undeniably, cute-irific. I don’t know if that is even a word, or if it is a word, if I spelled it right. Either way, I’m sure you understand what I mean. You have this inate ability to read people like books (I’m assuming). I don’t know. I assume a lot. S’all good in the end tho. I hope we can say the same for Spashley. I can’t wait for Spencer to find out about the bet. It’s gonna be good. I don’t know what to expect. I’m loving it, B-mannn. *I’m such a dorkkk* Update soon please. I’d like that.

    3. brillant. and poor friend, pardon the forth coming tangent. but i just got two new fish. *squeals in delight* but i dont know what to name them. any ideas? i loved it. loved loved it. and i must say it amuses me when Ashleys blushes just cuz she doesnt seem like the type that would. *nods* i wanna know where they are going for their date. oh do tell me soon *pouts* :]

    4. When is this date going to be? your such a tease, but thanks for the update all the same…pms..i cant wait to see what spencer does when she finds out!

    5. ok. no friends? i though aiden was supposed to be her friend…what a fucking jerk – not even calling her on her birthday…and he thinks she is helping him. i just hate him right now. anyways – i heart spencer. please make this night completely and absolutely wonderful for ash…she deserves it! can’t wait to read more – which means that you must post more now! poor fred. give him my love!

    6. dedicated to me?! oh bannerman you shouldnt have, im blushing! god damn it Fred! he couldn’t have just decided to die tomm could he!? I loved the update, short or not it rocked. uncomfortable Spashley is adorable. dont let things fall to pieces just yet!

    7. Oh yeah. Another great update. And I’m sorry for Fred. I’m sure he lived a great life. And hopefully Ashley removed him before the other fish, were in fact, traumitized. The whole Spashley thing is quite, undeniably, cute-irific. I don’t know if that is even a word, or if it is a word, if I spelled it right. Either way, I’m sure you understand what I mean. You have this inate ability to read people like books (I’m assuming). I don’t know. I assume a lot. S’all good in the end tho. I hope we can say the same for Spashley. I can’t wait for Spencer to find out about the bet. It’s gonna be good. I don’t know what to expect. I’m loving it, B-mannn. *I’m such a dorkkk* Update soon please. I’d like that.

    8. brillant. and poor friend, pardon the forth coming tangent. but i just got two new fish. *squeals in delight* but i dont know what to name them. any ideas? i loved it. loved loved it. and i must say it amuses me when Ashleys blushes just cuz she doesnt seem like the type that would. *nods* i wanna know where they are going for their date. oh do tell me soon *pouts* :]

    9. When is this date going to be? your such a tease, but thanks for the update all the same…pms..i cant wait to see what spencer does when she finds out!

    10. ok. no friends? i though aiden was supposed to be her friend…what a fucking jerk – not even calling her on her birthday…and he thinks she is helping him. i just hate him right now. anyways – i heart spencer. please make this night completely and absolutely wonderful for ash…she deserves it! can’t wait to read more – which means that you must post more now! poor fred. give him my love!

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