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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Score)

    “I fucking bet,” Julian spat, earning no response.  After a few moments the protruding veins had disappeared from his neck and forehead and his bright red face returned to a normal hue as he muttered something about getting Julie to find him a new PA, and left, dumping the letter down on the nearest desk – which happened to be Spencer’s – on his way out of the office.  I watched as Spencer tried hard to ignore it before giving in and picking it up to give it a thorough going over.  Her face fell even more as she read the hollow words and then screwed it up and threw it in the trash.  Now she knows how it feels.

    I gave it a few moments before venturing over to her desk with our Coke folder and my purse, suggesting we go somewhere else to ‘work’.  She avoided my eyes but got my hint, nodding and following me from the office as our colleagues returned to their projects.  I felt Aiden’s eyes follow me out of the room and along the corridor until I was out of sight.

    “Where are we going?” Spencer finally asked me as we took the elevator down towards reception.

    “For a coffee,” I informed her, watching the smart display count down the floor numbers as we descended the building.

    “Couldn’t we have just made one here?” she enquired, although her face seemed to have brightened a little at the suggestion of leaving the office for a bit.  I hated looking at Carrie’s desk too, only for different reasons.  I could still picture her in my head, sitting there smugly, and it was not an image I wanted to deal with all day.  I hoped Julie from HR would  find a temporary replacement, and quickly; I wanted to be looking at a fresh face by the end of the day.  Aiden must have been delighted too, for a new girl meant a new bet…  I thought about suggesting Julian find a male PA, although knew it would be a waste of breath.  A beautiful bimbo would no doubt be gracing our corridor quicker than you can say ‘make it payable to PNG’.

    “I fancied a change of scenery,” I said, and then allowed us to fall into a comfortable silence.


    1. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    2. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

    3. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    4. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

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