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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Score)

    We didn’t bother to sign out as we made our way out of reception, and after rounding a couple of blocks we finally succumbed to the charms of ‘Loaf’, a coffee shop and sandwich bar.  I liked it there, as it had a warm environment, was right around the corner from my apartment, and was owned by a half-Italian-half-English couple, the Wrights, who were lovely and had a cute daughter, with an even cuter accent, who went to university at UCLA… unfortunately she was straight, though it wasn’t for lack of trying!  I also had a tab there, which came in handy.

    “Two of the usual,” I asked Gina – one half of the ‘Loaf’ duo – after an obligatory hug and a ‘lovely to see you’.

    She smiled and walked away, towards the espresso machine, as I led Spencer to the farthest corner of the establishment – the quietest spot in the joint.

    “I like it here,” Spencer sighed as she gracefully settled down beside me on the battered leather couch that looked out over the rest of the café.  I loved that couch, and fondly remembered the time I’d hooked up with the Wrights’s gorgeous daughter, Sophie, on it.  I quickly cursed myself, remembering who I was with and why I was there.

    “I love it,” I smiled.  “But I didn’t bring you here to show you my favourite café.”

    “I know,” she smiled sadly, and looked down at the Coke folder that I’d placed between us.

    “How are you?” I asked sincerely, putting the folder aside.

    “How do you think?” she asked rhetorically, her voice low.  “My best fiend here’s just left without even giving me a reason!”

    “Trust me, I can relate,” I said calmly, but pointedly, feeling my chest tighten.

    “Ash, I’m sorry,” she sighed, looking regretful but not quite going as far as slapping herself on her forehead, “that was insensitive.”

    “It’s okay,” I smiled softly, “can’t say sensitivity is my forte either.”

    She smiled at me gratefully for a second, just as Gina came over with two steaming hot Espressos.

    “Here you are, ladies,” she grinned, looking at me for a second before taking her leave.  Gina was the only mother-like figure I had left in my life, and even though I never talked to her about myself in any real depth, I knew that she would be there come the day I needed to.  Today wasn’t that day, so I returned my attention to Spencer, who was watching me closely as she sipped from her cup.


    1. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    2. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

    3. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    4. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

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