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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Score)

    “Actually, Spencer, I need to tell you something,” I sighed, reaching for my coffee.

    “Is it about Carrie?” she asked me, suddenly perking up.

    “Seriously, Spence, forget about Carrie,” I said firmly.  Her eyes widened in shock, but not at the way in which I’d reprimanded her about Carrie – it was in response to me using her nickname for the first time in years.  I sighed and watched her cheeks flush momentarily before continuing.  “There’s a whole lot of stuff going on there that you do not want to know about… she wasn’t a good friend to you.”

    She opened her mouth to defend her ‘friend’, but I raised my hand to silence her as I continued.

    “But also, it seems we had a mole in our office… H&W have seen the plans you’ve drawn up and, well, unless we wanna be screwed over come the day we have to pitch them to Coke, we’re gonna have to come up with a new idea,” I finished, the frown etched deep in my brow.  She looked at me in disbelief.

    “A mole!? How do you know?” she gaped.

    “I can’t tell you,” I sighed, seeing the disappointment in her eyes, “I’m sorry… but let’s just say the situation’s sorted itself out, and we’re okay to plan another pitch without it going anywhere further than DJC.”

    “Carrie?” she asked, as if suddenly piecing it all together and seeing the bigger picture.

    “It doesn’t matter, Spence, really… it’s sorted,” I insisted, trying to make her feel better for being so blind about it all.

    “I can’t believe it,” she stated, looking thoroughly bemused and broken by the whole thing.  “When did you find out?”

    “Friday,” I admitted.

    “But, you weren’t in during the day,” she frowned, confused.  “Is that why you were in after hours?”

    “Yeah,” I lied.  “Caught the culprit red handed.”

    She stared at me, her mouth hanging open as she shook her head.  I could see her tongue pressing into her cheek as she thought it all through.  She suddenly cringed and buried her face in her palms.

    “I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been,” she berated herself, ”I told her everything.”

    “Everything?”  I enquired, suddenly feeling exceptionally worried.  Did Carrie actually know about me and Spencer all along?  Was she just biding her time before she told Spencer about the bet and broke my heart?  Maybe she’ll do it anonymously and royally screw me over.


    1. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    2. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

    3. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    4. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

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