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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: You owe me)

    Every passing hour was filled with longing looks and intense moments of unbreakable eye contact, but nothing ever developed any further than a sudden awkward silence, and then the bringing up of a new idea for an advert, or billboard, or magazine spread.  I could deal with that, though, just so long as I knew there would be more moments to come where we would catch each others eye, only to find the words we were speaking had mysteriously lost their importance.  Many times I found my sentences trailing away as my heart pounded and my body involuntarily shivered under her gaze.  I was becoming her puppet again and, as much as it was like history repeating itself, I really didn’t care.

    I tried to get clues from her all week to help determine what she had planned for us to do on my birthday, but she never gave anything away.  It was frustrating, but also exciting, so I continued my pointless pursuing of hints and clues until she outright told me to pack it in.

    I was in the kitchen, boiling the kettle the following Monday, when Aiden came in and shut the door behind him.  He watched me for a moment as I pulled two mugs down from a cupboard, then finally turned to face him.

    “Everything okay?” I asked, slightly perturbed by his presence and body language.  I eyed the closed door then looked back to him, where he stood, standing in the way of it.

    “Yeah, just need to talk to you,” he told me, moving forward to grab the kettle, as soon as it boiled, to pour himself a drink before I could get to it.  He used half the water, and I’d only put in enough for two mugs – for myself and Spence – and also used one of the mugs I’d just retrieved, which only frustrated me even more.

    “About…?” I persisted.

    “PNG.  As I’m sure you’re fully aware, today is the 19th,” he began.

    “So what?” I interrupted, placing the kettle back in its cradle after I’d topped up its contents again.  I flicked the switch abruptly to punctuate the end of my speech.

    “So, it’s the start of your part of the bet,” he said, eyeing me closely.  “I’d like to remind you that you now have two weeks to get a date with the New Girl -”

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    1. Aiden needs to go the way of carrie! Another great update, but i see some serious drama ahead for our poor little ashley..cant the girljust be happy gahhhh…anyway LOVE IT PMS

    2. Wow . . . I fucking hate Aiden. Dear Lord. I’ve never hated someone this much before. I hate him even more than I hate Carrie. My my my, ma boy. You’ve outdone yourself again. Excellent post. I’m loving it. Update soon please.

    3. Aiden needs to go the way of carrie! Another great update, but i see some serious drama ahead for our poor little ashley..cant the girljust be happy gahhhh…anyway LOVE IT PMS

    4. Wow . . . I fucking hate Aiden. Dear Lord. I’ve never hated someone this much before. I hate him even more than I hate Carrie. My my my, ma boy. You’ve outdone yourself again. Excellent post. I’m loving it. Update soon please.

    5. This story rocks! I love how Ashley just cant help herself and is just so helplessly in lve with Spencer, but im sure there is much drama to come. excellent update! oh and the song i believe is Shakespears Sister – The Trouble With Andre

    6. This story rocks! I love how Ashley just cant help herself and is just so helplessly in lve with Spencer, but im sure there is much drama to come. excellent update! oh and the song i believe is Shakespears Sister – The Trouble With Andre

    7. ugh. stupid aiden. boys are seriously so dumb sometimes! i dont think it was any of those things ashley listed off though..i bet it was porn! he maxed out his credit cards on porn sites, hit up one too many porn shops, and had one too many lap dances! naughty boy lol. anyways, i’m SO excited to see what happens next!! update soooon!

    8. ugh. stupid aiden. boys are seriously so dumb sometimes! i dont think it was any of those things ashley listed off though..i bet it was porn! he maxed out his credit cards on porn sites, hit up one too many porn shops, and had one too many lap dances! naughty boy lol. anyways, i’m SO excited to see what happens next!! update soooon!

    9. arrrgh! i hate aiden! are you going to tell us what he’s in to? grr. spencer can’t find out…well, i know she’s going to…drama drama drama – that is all that spence and ash are good for. haha. and hotness of course. keep posting! i’m really looking forward to the rest of the story!!!!!

    10. arrrgh! i hate aiden! are you going to tell us what he’s in to? grr. spencer can’t find out…well, i know she’s going to…drama drama drama – that is all that spence and ash are good for. haha. and hotness of course. keep posting! i’m really looking forward to the rest of the story!!!!!

    11. my heart literally stop when i read that ash said ‘i’ll do it’. but thank god she didn’t mean it. phew. i knew she wouldn’t but still i got scared. omg she really has to tell spencer the truth on her birthday date right?? sigh. hope spencer understands. arghh when is the next chapter coming??? soon i hope. soon.

    12. my heart literally stop when i read that ash said ‘i’ll do it’. but thank god she didn’t mean it. phew. i knew she wouldn’t but still i got scared. omg she really has to tell spencer the truth on her birthday date right?? sigh. hope spencer understands. arghh when is the next chapter coming??? soon i hope. soon.

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