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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: You owe me)

    “Spencer,” I said frustrated, fed up with how insisted on being a prick as much as possible.  In all matters PNG, of course he had to use the ‘correct terminology’.

    “ – and after you’ve been on a date you have one week to screw her,” he finished.

    “So eloquently put,” I smirked, “you’re such a romantic at heart.”

    “You may not,” he continued, ignoring me, “tell her about the bet, and you can’t offer her half of your winnings to try and tempt her into seeping with you.”

    “I’m not doing the bet, Aiden,” I stated.  “I already told you I want nothing to do with it -”

    “And yet you have a date arranged with her this Saturday,” he said, so matter-of-factly that I found myself becoming increasingly  more annoyed.  How does he know?  And how is it his fucking business?

    “That has nothing to do with PNG,” I spat.

    “I thought you said you couldn’t ‘go there again’?” he asked me using irritating air quotes.

    “Well, maybe I changed my mind,” I said petulantly, “but that doesn’t mean I’ve changed my position over this bet.”

    “You’ll do the bet, Ash, and you’ll split the winnings with me when you win,” he said fiercely, staring me down as he towered over me.

    “Fuck off, will I!” I cried, pushing him away from me.

    “You will, or I’ll tell her about your involvement with it and you won’t have the chance of going there ever again,” he said, quietly seething.  I couldn’t believe it.  Who the fuck does he think he is?  And what the hell has he done with the real Aiden?  I never realised just how messed up Aiden had become over the years; how he’d developed a side to his personality that was detestable and loathsome.  I looked at him in pity, wondering if it was me who made him the way he was, or if it was the money.

    “Are you so bitter and jealous about the past that you’d destroy the only thing that’s made me happy in years?” I asked, trying to appeal to the side of him that still had any compassion and empathy, to guilt trip him into realising he was a total bastard.

    “No, it’s just you owe me,” he told me, making the conversation even more confusing.

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    1. Aiden needs to go the way of carrie! Another great update, but i see some serious drama ahead for our poor little ashley..cant the girljust be happy gahhhh…anyway LOVE IT PMS

    2. Wow . . . I fucking hate Aiden. Dear Lord. I’ve never hated someone this much before. I hate him even more than I hate Carrie. My my my, ma boy. You’ve outdone yourself again. Excellent post. I’m loving it. Update soon please.

    3. Aiden needs to go the way of carrie! Another great update, but i see some serious drama ahead for our poor little ashley..cant the girljust be happy gahhhh…anyway LOVE IT PMS

    4. Wow . . . I fucking hate Aiden. Dear Lord. I’ve never hated someone this much before. I hate him even more than I hate Carrie. My my my, ma boy. You’ve outdone yourself again. Excellent post. I’m loving it. Update soon please.

    5. This story rocks! I love how Ashley just cant help herself and is just so helplessly in lve with Spencer, but im sure there is much drama to come. excellent update! oh and the song i believe is Shakespears Sister – The Trouble With Andre

    6. This story rocks! I love how Ashley just cant help herself and is just so helplessly in lve with Spencer, but im sure there is much drama to come. excellent update! oh and the song i believe is Shakespears Sister – The Trouble With Andre

    7. ugh. stupid aiden. boys are seriously so dumb sometimes! i dont think it was any of those things ashley listed off though..i bet it was porn! he maxed out his credit cards on porn sites, hit up one too many porn shops, and had one too many lap dances! naughty boy lol. anyways, i’m SO excited to see what happens next!! update soooon!

    8. ugh. stupid aiden. boys are seriously so dumb sometimes! i dont think it was any of those things ashley listed off though..i bet it was porn! he maxed out his credit cards on porn sites, hit up one too many porn shops, and had one too many lap dances! naughty boy lol. anyways, i’m SO excited to see what happens next!! update soooon!

    9. arrrgh! i hate aiden! are you going to tell us what he’s in to? grr. spencer can’t find out…well, i know she’s going to…drama drama drama – that is all that spence and ash are good for. haha. and hotness of course. keep posting! i’m really looking forward to the rest of the story!!!!!

    10. arrrgh! i hate aiden! are you going to tell us what he’s in to? grr. spencer can’t find out…well, i know she’s going to…drama drama drama – that is all that spence and ash are good for. haha. and hotness of course. keep posting! i’m really looking forward to the rest of the story!!!!!

    11. my heart literally stop when i read that ash said ‘i’ll do it’. but thank god she didn’t mean it. phew. i knew she wouldn’t but still i got scared. omg she really has to tell spencer the truth on her birthday date right?? sigh. hope spencer understands. arghh when is the next chapter coming??? soon i hope. soon.

    12. my heart literally stop when i read that ash said ‘i’ll do it’. but thank god she didn’t mean it. phew. i knew she wouldn’t but still i got scared. omg she really has to tell spencer the truth on her birthday date right?? sigh. hope spencer understands. arghh when is the next chapter coming??? soon i hope. soon.

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