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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: You owe me)

    “What the fuck for?” I asked.  “You’ve done nothing but make me feel like shit for weeks!”

    “I got you a place here at DJC; I got you out of being one of the first few subjects of PNG; I got you a promotion, and I also got Julian to let you keep your job, Ash,” he said, not pausing for breath.  “He was going to fire you over all this Spencer stuff, but I told him not to, that I needed you here – that DJC needed you here!”

    I fell silent, not knowing how to respond to anything he’d said.  I couldn’t believe that he’d done that for me, but even more so I couldn’t believe he wanted repaying for it.  You do things like that for your friends out of loyalty, not cos you want them to repay you.  And Julian… I couldn’t believe he’d made it out to be himself that had argued with the board to get them to let me keep my job.  They’re all a bunch of immature, twisted bastards!  I had nothing to say in response, and so reached for the kettle and started pouring out mine and Spencer’s drinks after grabbing another mug from the cupboard.

    “I’m having real problems with cash at the moment, Ash,” he frowned.  “I’m in debt -”

    “It’s not my fault you have no concept of the worth of money, Aiden,” I yelled.  “Look at me – I had nothing when I came here, and yet now I’m doing fine – more than fine!”

    “It’s a real problem, Ash,” he told me, looking to the ground in shame.

    “So go get real fucking help!” I yelled.  “What’s the problem?  Gambling?  Drugs?  Have you finally succumbed to the seedy side of advertising?  Is that the explanation for why you’ve become such a Grade A Prick recently?”

    He looked up at me, his facial expression blank but his eyes giving away that everything I’d said was true.  I could see the old Aiden looking back at me in those eyes, filled as they were with unshed tears.  But as sorry as I felt for him, I was not going to be the one to bail him out… not at the cost of a possible relationship with Spencer.

    “Aiden, I’ll help you in any way I can,” I sighed, “but I will not be a part of this bet any more than I already am.”

    “It’s the quickest way, Ash,” he insisted, tears making their way down his cheeks.  “Please, for me?”

    “No way,” I refused point blank.

    “Don’t think I won’t tell Spencer,” he spat, his personality suddenly shifting once again to the bastard end of the spectrum.  I was silent for a moment, studying him closely.  Suddenly I knew what I had to do.

    “Fine,” I sighed, looking straight into his eyes, “I’ll do it.”

    “Really!?” he looked confused, then suddenly elated.

    “Yes, really,” I frowned.  “If it’s gonna sort you out, then I’ll do it.  I don’t want to lose my best friend, Aiden… despite feeling like I’ve already lost him.”

    “You haven’t lost him, I swear,” he insisted, “I just need help re-locating him… I need help getting through this, Ash, and that money’s how I’m gonna do it… and I will do it, I swear!”

    “I believe you,” I said quietly, gently cupping his cheek with my palm.  I smiled and finally picked up the two cups of coffee I’d made from the bench, swiftly leaving the kitchen to return to Spencer.

    Like fuck I was going to do what I’d said I would.  There was no way in hell I was going to do that to Spencer, or to myself, so I figured that at least if he thought I was trying to bed her, he couldn’t blame me if, a week after our date, I still hadn’t managed to do so.

    Upon my return to Space, Spence looked up at me and smiled, its radiance stopping me in my tracks.  I pushed her mug of tea across the desk to her and sat back in my seat to drink my own, watching her closely as she blew the steaming drink to cool it.

    I can’t lose her.

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    1. Aiden needs to go the way of carrie! Another great update, but i see some serious drama ahead for our poor little ashley..cant the girljust be happy gahhhh…anyway LOVE IT PMS

    2. Wow . . . I fucking hate Aiden. Dear Lord. I’ve never hated someone this much before. I hate him even more than I hate Carrie. My my my, ma boy. You’ve outdone yourself again. Excellent post. I’m loving it. Update soon please.

    3. Aiden needs to go the way of carrie! Another great update, but i see some serious drama ahead for our poor little ashley..cant the girljust be happy gahhhh…anyway LOVE IT PMS

    4. Wow . . . I fucking hate Aiden. Dear Lord. I’ve never hated someone this much before. I hate him even more than I hate Carrie. My my my, ma boy. You’ve outdone yourself again. Excellent post. I’m loving it. Update soon please.

    5. This story rocks! I love how Ashley just cant help herself and is just so helplessly in lve with Spencer, but im sure there is much drama to come. excellent update! oh and the song i believe is Shakespears Sister – The Trouble With Andre

    6. This story rocks! I love how Ashley just cant help herself and is just so helplessly in lve with Spencer, but im sure there is much drama to come. excellent update! oh and the song i believe is Shakespears Sister – The Trouble With Andre

    7. ugh. stupid aiden. boys are seriously so dumb sometimes! i dont think it was any of those things ashley listed off though..i bet it was porn! he maxed out his credit cards on porn sites, hit up one too many porn shops, and had one too many lap dances! naughty boy lol. anyways, i’m SO excited to see what happens next!! update soooon!

    8. ugh. stupid aiden. boys are seriously so dumb sometimes! i dont think it was any of those things ashley listed off though..i bet it was porn! he maxed out his credit cards on porn sites, hit up one too many porn shops, and had one too many lap dances! naughty boy lol. anyways, i’m SO excited to see what happens next!! update soooon!

    9. arrrgh! i hate aiden! are you going to tell us what he’s in to? grr. spencer can’t find out…well, i know she’s going to…drama drama drama – that is all that spence and ash are good for. haha. and hotness of course. keep posting! i’m really looking forward to the rest of the story!!!!!

    10. arrrgh! i hate aiden! are you going to tell us what he’s in to? grr. spencer can’t find out…well, i know she’s going to…drama drama drama – that is all that spence and ash are good for. haha. and hotness of course. keep posting! i’m really looking forward to the rest of the story!!!!!

    11. my heart literally stop when i read that ash said ‘i’ll do it’. but thank god she didn’t mean it. phew. i knew she wouldn’t but still i got scared. omg she really has to tell spencer the truth on her birthday date right?? sigh. hope spencer understands. arghh when is the next chapter coming??? soon i hope. soon.

    12. my heart literally stop when i read that ash said ‘i’ll do it’. but thank god she didn’t mean it. phew. i knew she wouldn’t but still i got scared. omg she really has to tell spencer the truth on her birthday date right?? sigh. hope spencer understands. arghh when is the next chapter coming??? soon i hope. soon.

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