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    Protecting You


    But she never complained. Every moment spent with her, was one spent with a smile. It was one spent in complete perfection, so she never questioned it. If only she could have seen how broken she truly was. She tried so hard to be that savior, to be that knight in shining armor, but her sword broke and her horse fell.


    The first day it was a small bruise. She had run into the door. But then there were scratches. She hit the edge of the counter with her arm, and the neighbor’s cat scratched her near the eye. She was the strongest person anyone had ever met. For this reason, that feeling of uneasiness from within the other girl was always pushed into the recess of nothing at the meeting of their lips.


    But it never stopped.


    The cats claws must’ve gotten bigger. She was getting horrible vision, because the bruises were getting deeper. Every time she went to see her, the cold stares were noticeably thicker. They were both drowning in the fog. Hopefully they would still be able to find each other.


    Finally hearts shattered.


    She could barely make it to her classes without help. The other girl never knew she had taken up sports, and was therefore surprised at the twisted ankle. But at each embrace she was able to brush away the lies. The dust that remained was what got bigger every day. Eyes said that she knew, but the lips remained quiet. Instead she held her. She kissed her and tried to help her escape the world. Wherever they ended up, at least they would be together. This fantasy kept her full of determination, but it was inevitably destined to be doomed.


    She was slipping away.


    There was no pretending anymore. Not after the black eye and puffy cheek. This was not how things were supposed to be. She was told not to worry about. Told that no matter what happened, she would stay with her. These were the only words that could ever make a person smile and cry at the same time. This bittersweet happiness only made the girl love her more. But she had to worry. Something had to change, or she was afraid, there may be a day when they wouldn’t get the chance.

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    1. How can you think this is crappy?! Such a beautiful piece, comic! You should never think that. Your stories are always so great…and this one just adds another reason as to why I love you as a writer! Ugh, heart breaking…I could see Ashley doing that. I could see her giving up everything to protect Spencer. I think thats why this one shot hit me so hard…because I can see it happen. Loved it! And I hope your day is better tomorrow. ;)

    2. How can you think this is crappy?! Such a beautiful piece, comic! You should never think that. Your stories are always so great…and this one just adds another reason as to why I love you as a writer! Ugh, heart breaking…I could see Ashley doing that. I could see her giving up everything to protect Spencer. I think thats why this one shot hit me so hard…because I can see it happen. Loved it! And I hope your day is better tomorrow. ;)

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